Tuesday, March 18, 2008

The review's not up yet

So I guess I have to stay awake for the show, and I'm sinking fast. It only starts an hour later than last night. This is a real bummer. I really tried for a nap, got another 10 minutes. It wears off early.

I seriously thought about reading the review and calling it a program, but it's not up yet.

Ladies night. I'm looking forward to Christie Y. Figure skater. She ought to do well. Maybe.

Then there's the girl from a broadway show or movie, I've seen her on talkshows, think she danced or something. I'm just real clear, here, I know.

Pricilla Prestly's in the line-up. She's the oldest contestent yet, I believe. Monica, a tennis player. Athletes don't necessarily do good dance, so this is interesting to see.

Shannon Elizabeth's up first. Guess I've heard of her, but haven't seen her act. She says she's a poker player. I like her partner a lot, too. He's the brother of the female pro I like so much and who's name just isn't there....Julianne? He's Derrick? Beats me.

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