Monday, April 7, 2008

title this

(insert mental image of choice)

Adam's up, Pasa doble. I'd think he be going soon, but I don't know what the fans are doing. He's also been improving weekly. Oh oh, he's starting with a stunt, a unicycle. Judges don't like that stuff much. He loooks pretty good dancing, though. Not as smooth as natural dancers, but serious and efforting. Efforting? I hear that stupid bastadazation of effort on NEWS shows. Fox, mostly. They really should know better, and check language usage. They have public responsibility for good English. Oh, ya. I have to write O'Reilly now. Gail King is an entertainer? In what sense and what way? Think she came from tv news and speaks quite nice English. That's how he described her, probably a way to minimize her.

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