Sunday, October 12, 2008


Somebody making sense. John Fund(sp?) from the Wall Street Journal said the racial rhetoric needs to be toned down and I think he's exactly right. Doesn't help for Lewis to speak of the racism issue in McCain's crowd and McCain has been trying lately to keep it down. But they were encouraging it and didn't notice the danger and damage.

Acorn. It's very possibly true that Obama helped fund, lawyered for and helped train Acorn. Did he train them to commit fraud? See? Too many details unknown to make sweeping assumptions. What's he gonna say now about them. He's in trouble if he says nothing and in trouble if he defends them. Lawyers don't always realize that their clients are guilty. The boss doesn't always know which employees are taking home the paper and pencils.

He really needs to look for another way to enfranchaize the poor and shut down Acorn if all this fraud is going on. It very likely is being taught at the employee level. People have encouraged me to violate company policy - to do what they do.

We'll see. If the right thing doesn't happen, he'll certainly be in trouble with me. that's any big deal. It only is to me.

Oh, oh. Sounds like Acorn's leadership is really responsible for this stuff. But still, Obama may not be involved with it. Or he may be.

The ends justifies the means. Somebody said that's not a good idea. They're obviously out of control. A good leader would jump all over this and try to fix it.

Like I keep doing...waiting to see.

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