Monday, October 6, 2008

new show

Rachael Maddow has a new show. I really like her. I think she's real liberal, yet smart and funny and makes sense. See? The left has brains. I should tell O'Reilly. He only showcases extremes and weirdness. He never talks about the rational left. And they have valid points. The right isn't the only side of the coin.

Oh, my. McCain wants to cut a trillion of medicare/medicade funds. Oops. From what they're saying, he just lost Florida.

And poor Arnold. Can't get the Ca budget to work. I hear that Las Vegas is doing well. Maybe he can sell California lots to them to generate some cash. Maybe even Oregon would be interested in some land. And Arizona might bite. Trump likes real estate better than stocks. Maybe he's right.

See? It's all about farms. Wealth is in the land.

On Fox and Friends this morning, a lawyer I see on the show sometimes said that people are their friends when discussing Obama and his questionable connections.

I just read an article on Yahoo that said one of the Lehman executives blew off a subsidary company's worry and suggestions about it's poor performance asking the executives not take their bonuses to relieve other's minds that they are taking responsibility for poor performance and that they free the other company to save the employees and stuff. The CEO said they're just thinking about their pockets (? huh? what?) and another executive apologized and said there must be something in the water there. The other executive? George Bush's cousin. he then, too, his cousin? Didn't his brother have some little difficulty with a Savings and Loan? Finance is surely in their blood. huh?

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