Wednesday, October 1, 2008

the potatoes are on

Maybe I won't burn up the pot. I set the timer, dummy.

It's a lot of potatoes. Maybe I'll even eat them.

It's really Obama today. I heard both him and McCain speak this morning. I was impressed with his energy and education goals. All I heard McCain say was more drilling. If he sad anything else, I missed it.

The problem is with drilling only, people will keep putting off alternate energy sources and go for the convient and familiar. Alternates HAVE to be started first.

Plus, he said something about some stinky grass or something to help give farmers something to grow. Who's bright idea was out-sourcing food? Who didn't get that the failure and elimination of farms is a death blow to any country? In the first place, we as people need open areas just to feel human.

The French found around the turn of the 20th century sometime that planting trees and making parks reduced the crime rate dramatically. People need to see trees and feel grass. Cities aren't a normal way to live. Nature is and the parks and trees help us connect to our humanness. They just make us feel good.

Why? Oh, ya. It's because people are a part of nature, not seperate from it.

All anyone has to do is cut off our food supply and we're in deep shit if we don't resume supplying ourselves. And this is beyond the poisioning of food and product from global food. It's such a bone deep stupid policy.

There may be financial advangages to the global deal, but the disadvantages are gonna kill us. Besides whipping out agricultural workers. Jobs. Family life and income. Make it feasable for people to farm and ranch. Keep the corporations out of it. They seem to be able to screw things up faster than even Bush can do.

They don't get the 'nature' of farming. All they care about is bottom line. But there's a deeper purpose and truth to a life on the land. Farmers are in one of the highest respect groups. But we live in cities and forget. Starbucks is our guiding star.

So ya. Obama doesn't have military experience. Neither did Lincoln. Little national political experience. Lincoln didn't have any, did he? Smart people figure it out. As long as he isn't so locked into a political philosophy and is able to do what needs to be done asside from party, he'll do good.

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