Saturday, May 31, 2008

Jon and Kate: Thing is, anytime we let the rules be more important than the people, we screw up. What rules do is save time since we don't have to think, so we have more time for our assigned goals. Kate creates her own frustration and anger and tantrums through excessive and unrealistic and unfair demands and expectations. See? We hurt others because of ourselves. We mostly don't mean to. Sometimes it's us, not them.

Gear-up time for pharmacy calling. I didn't realize that yesterday was Friday, so unless they got in touch with the dr, I won't be chemo-therapying till next week.

I looked up chemo and all I get out of it is that it's chemicals. I guess as opposed to hormones, it's a different thing entirely. Maybe I shouldn't expect clarity since people go to school for years and years to learn this stuff. Inquiring minds and all...

But that's ok about the pharmacy stuff. The better grocery has a pharmacy. If it's still open. They serve a different area mostly, so there's hope.

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