Monday, June 2, 2008

Jon and Kate

Are talking about disapline. Kids need disipline and organization and boundaries, and with that many, they need lots of all three. The only time it bothered me was the bagel. It's like baiting a little kid to have stuff around.

One of the biggest problems I've seen with kids is lack of self-disapline which comes from being disaplined - actions have consequendes, good and bad.

I have so much respect for them. I couldn't do their job. Wouldn't want to. I've heard stories of one or the other parent bailing on multiples.

They put endless energy and attention and thought and sacrifice into their family. It's hard for me to see some things I know hurt and they can hurt for a life time. I'd never question their motives or devotion or sincerity.

I can see how tired they are sometimes. That makes it so hard to cope, their attention divided by so many kids and activities and obligations.

Like I said. I like them.

AND I got a nap. All of 10 or 15 minutes. I'm rarin' to go. Go where? Probably a web site.

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