Monday, March 23, 2009

David's up

I think he looks really good. Needs smoothing as they all do.

Bruno, at least he's not mad this time. Transformation, good job.

Carryann, 2 thumbs up, like a Rockette.

Len, best dance so far

'whew', I was sweating that one.

But we'll see what the scores say. They often don't make sense to me.
Compared with the remarks.

I've been busy this week think up all kinds of bands I know, even if I wouldn't recongize them. Well. I thought of 4 or 5 more. It was productive.

Excellent. 3 8s. Very, very good.

Steve the Apple guy. He really puts everything into this, really doing the samba. Very sincere effort and entertaining performance. Good job and his leg held up.

They all pretty much don't like his dancing, and it isn't very good as dancing goes, but has some positive qualities. I don't know how uch better he'll get very quick, but he's worth staying. Ouch. 2 3's and a 4. I don't remember scores this low. Ever.

So. Did I get Jewel's husband's name wrong? Probably. Typically, that's what I do. I'll have to pay attention. I heard Tony, but I don't know to whom that name refered, or if indeed, Tony was said. My hearing's as odd as my spelling.

Melissa's up.

You know, if they're too good, I'm not so interested. But she's not good enough to fit with the pro women dancers to be a favorite for me.

Len, good musicality

Bruno, easy to love, good to look at (I don't see much life in it)

See? Carryann thinks something's missing.

But Lil' Kim and Ty (I really think it's Ty and Tony refered to the pro with Melissa) are up next so all's good.

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