Monday, March 23, 2009

late again

But I was busy. Lego's Star Wars, II. It was important. I did, in all saintliness, end the level sooner rather than completely, so I get points for that. I lost mucho gromits on that move.

The 3rd dance just finished. Denise, Julianne's boyfriend I forgot his name already again, and Holly. I pretty much agree with the judges. I think Holly did do some things really well, although had a slight robot like action at times. But I did think Denise did better than the judges did. Oh, well. The votes go on.

Steve-O's up. Hope his back makes it. I heard that Steve the Apple guy pulled a hamstring. On top of his foot, I really didn't expect him, but he's there tonight. It's the economy. All these injuries. It's the only thing that makes sense.

Fox trot? Needs elegance. Don't know if it was his back, but his body was awkard.

Len, good, but fell apart
Bruno, same
Carryann, supportative

All admire his fighting the back.

3 5s. Guess he just hurt his back again and his ankle. This may be too much for it. Probably makes it worse if he's tense on stage. Just stresses the muscles more.

Lawerence: Looking good, real good. Excellent opening. TThis may be his more natural style. Those athetes are used to working through it.

Bruno: really liked it.

Carryann: good job, can do more

Len: likes his work ethic, more hips

2 7s and a 6. HIgh scores so far, I think, maybe, or at least one of them. Do I know what I'm talking about? Of course not. Really good job, though.

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