Monday, March 16, 2009

Lil Kim

Low scores for Steve -o.

Good, a quick step. She looks real good to me. Couldn't really see her feet too well, saw Derek more, but that's tv for you.

Bruno loves it

Carry Ann loves it.

Len not so much quality, lots of quantity. No body contact, they all noticed that. Len made the issue of it, but it's part of the dance and should be done right.

They were fun to watch. And she's good.

2 8s and a 7. Still good scores.

So my favorites are Steve, David, Kim and who'd I forget? Oh, maybe Shawn.

Melisa - salsa

They've got really good music this session. She's downplaying her dance experience, but it gives her a background in than kind of movement. It's different than atheletics, it's still dance even if a different kind. It's not as much a transition as others have, many from nothing. Looks like she's a contender.

Judges loved her.

2 9s and an 8.

Another injury. Cheryl's partner, someone else I don't know, Sex int he City actor, hurt his shoulder. His name's Gilles. A fun quickstep. He's got the attitude into stuff. I liked it/

Think I slept through him last week, along with Juliann and maybe somebody else. Oh, ya I woke up when Ty was dancing.

Doing good tonight even with no nap.

3 9s. High score. Didn't catch how to pronouce his name. He'll probably be back. Wonder when the
elimation is? They just said his name and I didn't get what it is. People have to go real slow for me to catch on.

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