Monday, April 20, 2009

I'd vote

for Chuck on that last dance. Yes, I'm fickle. Sue me.

Ty's next. waltzing. looks really good. graceful and sincere.did a great turn. but as always, the judges say

bruno, bigger accomplishment than Mickey Rourke, back in the game, great.

Carry Ann, a beautiful frame, posture, etc really good

Len, great movement, form, etc.

Great job, really. Glad the judges saw it my way. The don't necessarily, but I'm a lousy dancing judge.

scores will be:

3 8s, pretty good, better than last week.

Shaw's up, cha-cha? Sshe looks really good, geat moves and attitude.

really really nice dance.

Carry Ann, loved it, brought it to life and good technique

Len, did it exactly, very good

Bruno, liked it, techniqually flawless, and vibrant.

really excellent.

scores, *I'm hoping for 10s*

1 10 and 2 9s. What do they want? Just can't always tell from remarks what the verdict is.

Gilles next. waltz.

looks pretty good to me, but my favorites alays do. He's got a lot of intensity and this may be the wrong dance for it but it's natural to him.

Len, romance, rotation, overall superb, needs footfork

Bruno, like in Gigi, glamorous and some sex, too.

Carry Ann, most graceful male dancer she's seen in the game, needs some posture work.

3 9s.

And there's a group dance, too.


starts off dancing with the Argentine Tango. Looks really good to me. Her assignment: find the inner maneater.

Len: fantastic. great at the hard steps, a tiny blunder maybe

Bruno, legs magic tools in the hands of a master, stunning. Beautiful

Carry Ann, the best A. T. so far, all of it fantastic.

I'm still voting for others. Oh, ya, except I'm not voting at all cause I can't.

scores: 2 10s and a 9,

it was an excellent job.

Lawerence waltzes next.

He's doing really well. Pretty graceful and looks into the routine.

Bruno, got the romance right. Turns a bit clumsy, but not terrible, not brilliant either

Carry Ann, good stuff

Len, tenderness, elegance. some mistakes, overall shocked at how well he did.

I thought he looked good.

but scores say:

3 7s. not bad at all. He's comming along and getting better.

Lil' Kim rumbas.

Great start, excellent routine and Kim is as good if not better as always. hope the judges agree

Carry Ann, understated, but also underwhelming. Not her best game. guit pleasing Len,

Len: go with what you know, liked it, but don't try to please him.

Bruno, needed the lil' kim kick.

Well I LIKED IT. so there.

scores, 2 9s and an 8. Better scores than the remarks sounded like.

Chuck, samba he looks really good, relaxed, hip acation, having fun, confident. really good, but you know th judges, they might say anything. good timing, too.

Len, liked it a lot, best dance yet.

Bruno, must want it a lot, working hips and butt a lot

Carry Ann, danced for joy, no words.

scores, 3 9s, excellent scores their best so far.

Monday, April 13, 2009

20 minutes to go

Maybe I can stay awake. I sure don't want to.C

Chuck's up to rumba. He can't take Julianne's teaching and criticism. He won't learn that way. Think he's got a ways to go grow up. See: Ty.

Bruno: likes it, wants more of that stuff. He unlocked something, but feet and hips need work.

Carry Ann, the most passionate dance of night. Needs more technique.

Len: parts more suitable for bedroom than ballroom, good lines, then bad lines, mechanical then animal, a little to raunchy.

scores: 2 8s and a 7.

think it's over now. to sleep, perhaps not to dream so much.

jive, I think

for Lil' Kim.

Some really nice moves, but a couple of hesitations, too. overall, I really like the routine.

lots of pizazz from Carry Ann

Len, fun and energy, lacked a lot of jive. Too theatrical, but good what was there. Missed Bruno.

we'll see the scores, though.

Kim can really do the dances, the moves and the characters and attitudes. She's an all-rounder.

2 10s and an 8 from Len. Len really didn't like it that much.

Steve-O and rumba. Looked really nice.

Carry Ann, something oddly mesmersizing, committed and honesty. Still needs more grace, and improved.

Len, can't confuse movement with dancing, no hips and no feet

Bruno, Lacy looked hot, looked like a confused puppy, the dancing is bad. oops.

7, 4 and 5. Hardly ever see such a range between judges. In fact, I don't remember ever seeing this much difference. I thought that Steve-O looked relaxed and into it. But I often don't see actual dancing stuff much at all if ever. So much for me.

Gilles and the jive. Didn't take to it right away.

What the hell kinda song is this for a jive? Lord, he's good. Doesn't seem to matter if the jives's his dance at all. He's doing great. I think he ought to win.

It's a great song, just not so jivy.

Gilles really is brilliant.

Len, a lot of jive quaities, a little wrong on one step, a bit frentic. Len cannot be pleased.

Bruno, he achieved the speed of light, puts 100% into everything, looks like a mad squril

Carry Ann, needs to watch it a bit, too.

2 9s and an 8. I think it's a lot better than that. That's why I'm not a judge.

Lawerence and jive next

He looks good, pretty relaxed and having fun.

Carry Ann, great job

Len, lighter side, good job, maybe a little lighter in feet.

Bruno, on it all the way, best dance yet.

scores: 2 7s and an 8.

Melissa, rumba

Looks good so far, graceful. Nice routine. Like Shawn better, though.

Len, clean, precise, needs more earthy, too balletic as she usually does.

Bruno, exotic, body makes incredible shapes. Wants the man eater.

Carry Ann, get hips moving, everything there.

3 9s.

Lil' Kim's next

long night already

All I want to do is go to sleep. Already. AND I had a big nap.

But it's time to dance and I missed the last one, results show.

Ty's up to jive. Excellent dance.

This type seems more natural for him than the latin dances, which makes sense to me anyway. The dancers work for years and years on these moves and the stars have a few days for each.

Len, has a charm about him, but a bit bewildered, gives it his all, but took a long time to get started and not so good.

Bruno, none of the kicks were right, timing rough, but really a gentleman.

Carry Ann, exciting jive, unfortunately, didn't really find footing, but so cute.

not so good ratings, but votes say...

3 6s. I really like Ty. He understands the judging and the purpose of the judges. Like he said, they can fool folks at home, but not the judges if the moves aren't right and that's what the judges are there for. Their remarks are about helping the dancers.

Shawn and the rumba.

really, really nice. Don't know if it's a rumba or not, but it's a lovely, smooth routine.

Bruno, beautifully pure, angelic, needs more hip action

Carry Ann, really good

Len, rumba can warm or burn, just right heat and enjoyed it.

2 9s and an 8. Pretty darned good, beautiful dance for Shawn.

Monday, April 6, 2009


Pasa Doble...

He really has it all together for dancing. Beautiful dance. Just perfect.

But the judges are another matter:

Carryann, got the heart and soul of the dance

Len, loved the heart and soul, a bit hectic.

Bruno, he nailed it and other stuff.

scores...2 10s and a 9.

Steve-O waltz

Nice routine, entertaining, but the judges say????

Len, his best dance

Bruno, good timing, still work, but improved

Carryann, emotional, the acting it out worked, better posture needed.

scores? Comercial first? Maybe not::

3 6s, his best score. After all his touble with his back, this is excellent.

Ty, Passa Doble...good choice for a bull rider.

He's really got the right attitude, Good routine, really told the story.

Bruno, robotic and metalic, too stiff.

Carryann, agrees, too stiff.

Len, not Ty's kinda dance. His others were better.

3 7s.

Lil' Kim, waltz really pretty, liked the song, too. They went together well. Pretty to watch.

Carryann, perfectly matched and compliment each other, Kim and Derrick

Len, flowed, needs foot work, lack of content a bit.

Bruno, made it look sassy, in a good way, total harmony with partner. She's doing things the right way to win, takes both dancers to get there.

scores, 2 9s and an 8. Not bad at all,

guess it's over.

scores say

2 9s and an 8. Good scores. This stuff is not easy to learn.

A really excellent Passo whatever it is. Looks like she had a little trouble, see what the judges say.

Len, excellent dancer, hard routine, mostly good, a couple blunders.

Bruno, excellent, made mistakes, stunning

Carryanne, great routine, hard, a little off balance. Melissa's a top dancer.

So, how does Carry ann spell her name? I forgot again. I really should make a list since these names are a weekly issue.

I missed the scores. Am really not with it tonight. At all. Think they weren't so good, though.

David, waltz.

Odd music choice for a waltz. That throws me every time. Wwhen the music and the dance style don't match.

Bruno, started good, went off the classic form a bit and that part didn't work,

Carryann, not moving in unison, a disconnect between Kym and David.

Len, very good performance, difficult dance.

I liked it.

scores: 2 7s and an 8.

Think Gilles is up.

Was I supposed to blog?

I forgot. Got caught up in Throughly Modern Millie and was late anyway.

Yes, I know. Always some excuse.

I'm about 1/2 asleep and haven't paid much attention to the show anyway yet.

I really had to check out the movie cause I googled and found out that the landlady was Beatrice Lilly, so had to see at least part of it again.

So, yes. I confess. I have a copy of it. It's an excellent movie. You should all check it out.

Shawn, great waltz.

Judges like her.

The audience is stupid. Len gave her some advice/instruction and they booed. That's how they learn to dance better. The audience always does that. Just like the Roman Forum. I hear. I wasn't there.