Monday, April 20, 2009


starts off dancing with the Argentine Tango. Looks really good to me. Her assignment: find the inner maneater.

Len: fantastic. great at the hard steps, a tiny blunder maybe

Bruno, legs magic tools in the hands of a master, stunning. Beautiful

Carry Ann, the best A. T. so far, all of it fantastic.

I'm still voting for others. Oh, ya, except I'm not voting at all cause I can't.

scores: 2 10s and a 9,

it was an excellent job.

Lawerence waltzes next.

He's doing really well. Pretty graceful and looks into the routine.

Bruno, got the romance right. Turns a bit clumsy, but not terrible, not brilliant either

Carry Ann, good stuff

Len, tenderness, elegance. some mistakes, overall shocked at how well he did.

I thought he looked good.

but scores say:

3 7s. not bad at all. He's comming along and getting better.

Lil' Kim rumbas.

Great start, excellent routine and Kim is as good if not better as always. hope the judges agree

Carry Ann, understated, but also underwhelming. Not her best game. guit pleasing Len,

Len: go with what you know, liked it, but don't try to please him.

Bruno, needed the lil' kim kick.

Well I LIKED IT. so there.

scores, 2 9s and an 8. Better scores than the remarks sounded like.

Chuck, samba he looks really good, relaxed, hip acation, having fun, confident. really good, but you know th judges, they might say anything. good timing, too.

Len, liked it a lot, best dance yet.

Bruno, must want it a lot, working hips and butt a lot

Carry Ann, danced for joy, no words.

scores, 3 9s, excellent scores their best so far.

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