Monday, April 6, 2009

scores say

2 9s and an 8. Good scores. This stuff is not easy to learn.

A really excellent Passo whatever it is. Looks like she had a little trouble, see what the judges say.

Len, excellent dancer, hard routine, mostly good, a couple blunders.

Bruno, excellent, made mistakes, stunning

Carryanne, great routine, hard, a little off balance. Melissa's a top dancer.

So, how does Carry ann spell her name? I forgot again. I really should make a list since these names are a weekly issue.

I missed the scores. Am really not with it tonight. At all. Think they weren't so good, though.

David, waltz.

Odd music choice for a waltz. That throws me every time. Wwhen the music and the dance style don't match.

Bruno, started good, went off the classic form a bit and that part didn't work,

Carryann, not moving in unison, a disconnect between Kym and David.

Len, very good performance, difficult dance.

I liked it.

scores: 2 7s and an 8.

Think Gilles is up.

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