Wednesday, July 2, 2008

great day in the morning

I figured out how to keep the title box clear of tabs. Enlarge the screen before arrival. Don't know why it works, but it nicely does and that's the point. Isn't it?

What a great morning. I slept till 7. Dog and cat overly anxious for potty break and breakfast. Don't know why. Just because I'm usually up well before 6 and business taken care of much earlier most days. You'd think they'd enjoy the sleep-in. But no. They don't.

I started another pair of shorts last night and got them finished to the hem/waistband point already with NO big mistakes. Only a little wrong stich length which really doesn't matter - to me. We'll find out if it matters to the shorts.

I've got the new fabric for a skirt in the dryer, dry. Should take it out, shouldn't I. And I will. Eventually.

As soon as I got home, I looked for the old skirt pattern just one more time not able to believe I'd thrown it out and guess what? I found it.

Also found a skirt almost done. I'd added elastic then removed it. Have no idea why. Don't remember making it. Will add elastic again, try it on and see what, if anything, the problem is. Bad fit? Too short? Time and effort will tell. Maybe. May have just decided to never wear skirts again the rest of my life and almost made it.

No way to do the Hyatt today. Bummer. I'd want to take about $100 cash for the stop. Next time. Maybe. Doing for the sake of the experience is only so fulfilling. I mostly want to show off my new outfit to Donna and hit up the Capital for some Mission history. I love a splurge, though, and will keep the Hyatt in mind. Staying there wouldn't be such a mystery since I've lived in that area several times over the years. But the bar and food? Always an expectation to be desirously fulfilled. Or something.

Maybe I'll send Barbara some money instead. Whether she likes it or not. She wasn't best pleased with the check last month. She could quit being a brat and just let me be nice. But no. She has to get all consumed with guilt or something. I'll never figure it out. I just told her to let me do something for her and do something fun with the cash. Haven't heard from her as usual so don't know if she did or not. Newly seperated and scared. Who wouldn't be. 2 kids, middle of nursing school and no job. She'll be ok, people mostly are, but it's hard and I know it. I've know her since almost the minute she was born. I can't quit adoring her. Somewhere in there. Gets hard sometimes, doesn't it.

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