Thursday, July 3, 2008

Guess what's on

That's right. It's result night on So You Think You Can Dance. Title's too long.

Apparently, the audience votes and the 3 least popular couples(?) or singles do another dance trying to stay in the show and the judges decide who goes. Inenviable job. Unenviable? God know. I surely don't.

They'r doing a recap of each couple's dances last night.

Then the results.

First two couples safe. Much cheering and revelry. Yes. Can't spell that either. Spellcheck? to Bill Gates. I can't figure out which button it is or make it work if I do find it. Maybe I should try again. Naw...I'm pretty much into this system.

Ok day. Did a little grocery shopping. Got bread, potatoes, package gravy mix, ramen and eggs. That'll keep me going for a couple of weeks combined with stuff I have anyway. Met with the Mormon missionarys and had a nice study. Don't know if I can ever believe it. Can't get myself to quite believe any church. God isn't hard, it's the churches, I guess. Still want to hit Mass this weekend. And Catachism.

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