Sunday, July 13, 2008

Shorts, revisited

Finished the other pair. Started the next. Dirty clothes pile building. It behoves me to sew some more so I'm in desperate circumstances come dressing days ahead.

But in between, I started the new skirt. I got as far as finding the pattern pieces (always a project) and ironing the material. I'd already washed it and set it aside until I'm not too tired. When does that happen? Apparently, this morning. But quickly faded in church. Came home early. Think I'm disappointing S. Price. I feel really bad, but I keep going to sleep and can't listen I'm so sleepy. I have to work on sleeping nights.

All these years of this free-floating system is proving difficult to change. Woke up at 1:30 a.m. is the problem. Just couldn't stay awake last night. Made it to about 8:30. Didn't medicate which may have been my fatal flaw today.

I'm so very sorry to see the new about Tony Snow's death. I always liked him and found him trustable even though his politics were wrong. Many people share his views. The trust part is the important thing. Can't trust Bush or Newt or Rush or (fill in the Republican blanks) as they too often trash the left and show no understanding or compassion for the opposition. Never got that from Tony. He never seemed manipulative either with language or emotion and that's so much of what the right does.

McCain doesn't. I like McCain. I like Bush Sr. I can even like Nixon some. Very smart man. Did some big dummies, however.

Obama doesn't seem to have a grip on Iraq or the economy. He's shifting on the war which is good. But you've gotta love the rich as much as you love the poor. We're all god's children. The rich might need more love since they're so stupid about money. They're the money changers after all, which they all like to deny and point the finger away from themselves. They set the live large standard and then don't seem to get that people are loosing their houses, that they couldn't afford, to emulate that goal of big style.

People don't seem to get the live within their means. Save. I haven't heard of anyone saving for a downpayment in years. Subdivisions started building larger and larger houses. For first time buyers, regular suburbs. Nobody starts at the bottom and works upward. They can't live without Starbucks. How they suffer.

Americans don't whine. They're facing real problems. Some they've caused for themselves.

That reminds me. I heard someone correct herself after saying 'me' said, 'myself' instead. Huh? Don't know the rule for myself, but it sounds wrong or unneccessary or intellectually snobish or something to me. He gave the book to Mark and myself. I guess it's ok. When should it be used? Doesn't seem necessary except for maybe, "I turned it on myself." "I turned it on me." Is it ever necessary?

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