Wednesday, July 2, 2008

Mia's routine's up

She does really different things and I like them. Missed they type of dance. Uh...interperative?

And the judges say:

loved it. Loved Mia's routine. Loved the dancing. Loved it myself.

Love the crackers, too and nuked them. Not the best method, but it does melt the cheese even though it doesn't toast the crackers. Don't know why I'm so hungry all the time. Was I always like this? Can't remember. Can't remember yesterday or this morning very well. Do remember how much I like velveta on crackers and tacos. Maybe I'll get stuff for tacos. They're extra good with velveta and it has to go on the bottom so it melts a bit.

West Coast Swing. What's that? It's up next.

They look really good to me. It's a good team, both great dancers.

What makes it west coast?

Terrific finish.

And the judges say: like it so far. Mary says: enjoyed it, great routine, great execution.

Nigel: Usual the odd man out...fantastic, they can adapt to different styles, create characters(ACT).

So far I pretty much agree with the judges top 3. Why wouldn't I.

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