Monday, April 20, 2009

I'd vote

for Chuck on that last dance. Yes, I'm fickle. Sue me.

Ty's next. waltzing. looks really good. graceful and sincere.did a great turn. but as always, the judges say

bruno, bigger accomplishment than Mickey Rourke, back in the game, great.

Carry Ann, a beautiful frame, posture, etc really good

Len, great movement, form, etc.

Great job, really. Glad the judges saw it my way. The don't necessarily, but I'm a lousy dancing judge.

scores will be:

3 8s, pretty good, better than last week.

Shaw's up, cha-cha? Sshe looks really good, geat moves and attitude.

really really nice dance.

Carry Ann, loved it, brought it to life and good technique

Len, did it exactly, very good

Bruno, liked it, techniqually flawless, and vibrant.

really excellent.

scores, *I'm hoping for 10s*

1 10 and 2 9s. What do they want? Just can't always tell from remarks what the verdict is.

Gilles next. waltz.

looks pretty good to me, but my favorites alays do. He's got a lot of intensity and this may be the wrong dance for it but it's natural to him.

Len, romance, rotation, overall superb, needs footfork

Bruno, like in Gigi, glamorous and some sex, too.

Carry Ann, most graceful male dancer she's seen in the game, needs some posture work.

3 9s.

And there's a group dance, too.


starts off dancing with the Argentine Tango. Looks really good to me. Her assignment: find the inner maneater.

Len: fantastic. great at the hard steps, a tiny blunder maybe

Bruno, legs magic tools in the hands of a master, stunning. Beautiful

Carry Ann, the best A. T. so far, all of it fantastic.

I'm still voting for others. Oh, ya, except I'm not voting at all cause I can't.

scores: 2 10s and a 9,

it was an excellent job.

Lawerence waltzes next.

He's doing really well. Pretty graceful and looks into the routine.

Bruno, got the romance right. Turns a bit clumsy, but not terrible, not brilliant either

Carry Ann, good stuff

Len, tenderness, elegance. some mistakes, overall shocked at how well he did.

I thought he looked good.

but scores say:

3 7s. not bad at all. He's comming along and getting better.

Lil' Kim rumbas.

Great start, excellent routine and Kim is as good if not better as always. hope the judges agree

Carry Ann, understated, but also underwhelming. Not her best game. guit pleasing Len,

Len: go with what you know, liked it, but don't try to please him.

Bruno, needed the lil' kim kick.

Well I LIKED IT. so there.

scores, 2 9s and an 8. Better scores than the remarks sounded like.

Chuck, samba he looks really good, relaxed, hip acation, having fun, confident. really good, but you know th judges, they might say anything. good timing, too.

Len, liked it a lot, best dance yet.

Bruno, must want it a lot, working hips and butt a lot

Carry Ann, danced for joy, no words.

scores, 3 9s, excellent scores their best so far.

Monday, April 13, 2009

20 minutes to go

Maybe I can stay awake. I sure don't want to.C

Chuck's up to rumba. He can't take Julianne's teaching and criticism. He won't learn that way. Think he's got a ways to go grow up. See: Ty.

Bruno: likes it, wants more of that stuff. He unlocked something, but feet and hips need work.

Carry Ann, the most passionate dance of night. Needs more technique.

Len: parts more suitable for bedroom than ballroom, good lines, then bad lines, mechanical then animal, a little to raunchy.

scores: 2 8s and a 7.

think it's over now. to sleep, perhaps not to dream so much.

jive, I think

for Lil' Kim.

Some really nice moves, but a couple of hesitations, too. overall, I really like the routine.

lots of pizazz from Carry Ann

Len, fun and energy, lacked a lot of jive. Too theatrical, but good what was there. Missed Bruno.

we'll see the scores, though.

Kim can really do the dances, the moves and the characters and attitudes. She's an all-rounder.

2 10s and an 8 from Len. Len really didn't like it that much.

Steve-O and rumba. Looked really nice.

Carry Ann, something oddly mesmersizing, committed and honesty. Still needs more grace, and improved.

Len, can't confuse movement with dancing, no hips and no feet

Bruno, Lacy looked hot, looked like a confused puppy, the dancing is bad. oops.

7, 4 and 5. Hardly ever see such a range between judges. In fact, I don't remember ever seeing this much difference. I thought that Steve-O looked relaxed and into it. But I often don't see actual dancing stuff much at all if ever. So much for me.

Gilles and the jive. Didn't take to it right away.

What the hell kinda song is this for a jive? Lord, he's good. Doesn't seem to matter if the jives's his dance at all. He's doing great. I think he ought to win.

It's a great song, just not so jivy.

Gilles really is brilliant.

Len, a lot of jive quaities, a little wrong on one step, a bit frentic. Len cannot be pleased.

Bruno, he achieved the speed of light, puts 100% into everything, looks like a mad squril

Carry Ann, needs to watch it a bit, too.

2 9s and an 8. I think it's a lot better than that. That's why I'm not a judge.

Lawerence and jive next

He looks good, pretty relaxed and having fun.

Carry Ann, great job

Len, lighter side, good job, maybe a little lighter in feet.

Bruno, on it all the way, best dance yet.

scores: 2 7s and an 8.

Melissa, rumba

Looks good so far, graceful. Nice routine. Like Shawn better, though.

Len, clean, precise, needs more earthy, too balletic as she usually does.

Bruno, exotic, body makes incredible shapes. Wants the man eater.

Carry Ann, get hips moving, everything there.

3 9s.

Lil' Kim's next

long night already

All I want to do is go to sleep. Already. AND I had a big nap.

But it's time to dance and I missed the last one, results show.

Ty's up to jive. Excellent dance.

This type seems more natural for him than the latin dances, which makes sense to me anyway. The dancers work for years and years on these moves and the stars have a few days for each.

Len, has a charm about him, but a bit bewildered, gives it his all, but took a long time to get started and not so good.

Bruno, none of the kicks were right, timing rough, but really a gentleman.

Carry Ann, exciting jive, unfortunately, didn't really find footing, but so cute.

not so good ratings, but votes say...

3 6s. I really like Ty. He understands the judging and the purpose of the judges. Like he said, they can fool folks at home, but not the judges if the moves aren't right and that's what the judges are there for. Their remarks are about helping the dancers.

Shawn and the rumba.

really, really nice. Don't know if it's a rumba or not, but it's a lovely, smooth routine.

Bruno, beautifully pure, angelic, needs more hip action

Carry Ann, really good

Len, rumba can warm or burn, just right heat and enjoyed it.

2 9s and an 8. Pretty darned good, beautiful dance for Shawn.

Monday, April 6, 2009


Pasa Doble...

He really has it all together for dancing. Beautiful dance. Just perfect.

But the judges are another matter:

Carryann, got the heart and soul of the dance

Len, loved the heart and soul, a bit hectic.

Bruno, he nailed it and other stuff.

scores...2 10s and a 9.

Steve-O waltz

Nice routine, entertaining, but the judges say????

Len, his best dance

Bruno, good timing, still work, but improved

Carryann, emotional, the acting it out worked, better posture needed.

scores? Comercial first? Maybe not::

3 6s, his best score. After all his touble with his back, this is excellent.

Ty, Passa Doble...good choice for a bull rider.

He's really got the right attitude, Good routine, really told the story.

Bruno, robotic and metalic, too stiff.

Carryann, agrees, too stiff.

Len, not Ty's kinda dance. His others were better.

3 7s.

Lil' Kim, waltz really pretty, liked the song, too. They went together well. Pretty to watch.

Carryann, perfectly matched and compliment each other, Kim and Derrick

Len, flowed, needs foot work, lack of content a bit.

Bruno, made it look sassy, in a good way, total harmony with partner. She's doing things the right way to win, takes both dancers to get there.

scores, 2 9s and an 8. Not bad at all,

guess it's over.

scores say

2 9s and an 8. Good scores. This stuff is not easy to learn.

A really excellent Passo whatever it is. Looks like she had a little trouble, see what the judges say.

Len, excellent dancer, hard routine, mostly good, a couple blunders.

Bruno, excellent, made mistakes, stunning

Carryanne, great routine, hard, a little off balance. Melissa's a top dancer.

So, how does Carry ann spell her name? I forgot again. I really should make a list since these names are a weekly issue.

I missed the scores. Am really not with it tonight. At all. Think they weren't so good, though.

David, waltz.

Odd music choice for a waltz. That throws me every time. Wwhen the music and the dance style don't match.

Bruno, started good, went off the classic form a bit and that part didn't work,

Carryann, not moving in unison, a disconnect between Kym and David.

Len, very good performance, difficult dance.

I liked it.

scores: 2 7s and an 8.

Think Gilles is up.

Was I supposed to blog?

I forgot. Got caught up in Throughly Modern Millie and was late anyway.

Yes, I know. Always some excuse.

I'm about 1/2 asleep and haven't paid much attention to the show anyway yet.

I really had to check out the movie cause I googled and found out that the landlady was Beatrice Lilly, so had to see at least part of it again.

So, yes. I confess. I have a copy of it. It's an excellent movie. You should all check it out.

Shawn, great waltz.

Judges like her.

The audience is stupid. Len gave her some advice/instruction and they booed. That's how they learn to dance better. The audience always does that. Just like the Roman Forum. I hear. I wasn't there.

Tuesday, March 31, 2009

voting off

Bad night to dance. The Pros did a couple of great routines, one to someone's singing I don't know, and the other to Boyz to Men singing MoTown, I think.

I think the review was posted before the show aired, but I was busy checking out Squeezer. A way to access the bigger flash sites in modified versions until Adobe creates a flash version MSNtv can use. Or something.

2 to go home tonight, and I think I know which whos.

Holly and Steve the Apple guy.

Bummer. For everybody.

Monday, March 30, 2009

Shawn, Lindy Hop

And the last dance tonight? Maybe.

Think it's more cute than anythig. We'll see what the judges say, I can't figure it out.

Bruno, spectactal of tricks, fun, but more dancing

Carryann, lacking was heavy on footwork, good tricks,

Len, too many tricks, needs more dancing. 2 8s and a 9.

must be almost over

Shawn and Gilles Tango, really excellent dancing and routine and characterization. Excellent, from my side. Judges say:

Len,'s a mix, hard, soft, fast, slow and he showed every element

Bruno, the quintesential Latin lover. Deadly animal magniticism

Carryann, holy cow, couldn't tell who was the professional and who the celebrity.

He's another new favorite.

3 10s. He really deserves it.


Is doing so well, I'm impressed and he's becomming a favorite for sure. I think he needs to smooth out his legs somehow, like he moves from the knees instead of maybe moving them from the hips, but athletes often have difficutly overcomming their training to move differently. Movement becomes automatic for everyone.

Steve, Tango, really good job.

Carryann: the ultimate underdog, long, not much going on, no passion, didn't like it.

Len, good for attempting a proper tango, improvement, but last week was so bad and improvement doesn't mean so much

Bruno, we love you, but the dancing not so good. Stunk...not nice, Bruno. Even in true, the dancing not so great.

3 4s. Bad scores for an entertaining, flawed dance. Boo. Really, boo and boo-hoo. Oh, well, I'm having fun and am glad he's there.

Melissa's up, Lindy Hop, I think.

It's closer to cheerleading for her so she looks pretty good. Still not my favorite. At all.

Len, potential to go all the way

Bruno, truly eye-popping fun, bursting with excitemet. The whole range of steps and excellent delivery.

Carryann, Tony's best choreorgraphy, and Melissa's best, great lifts.

bet it's 3 10s. We'll see. 2 10s and a 9. Best score of season so far.

Holly, Tango. Nice routine, overall, good job,

Bruno, good start, but got worse, he did all the work, drop the Barbie, bring out the vixen.

Carryann, hung in there after the mistake, not building strengthand needs to.

Len, great routine, Gets in a negative attitude, core strength needs work, but can get better.

2 5s and a 6.

Steve-O...Lindy Hop

Maybe not his best. we'll see.

Carryann, got through his routine, let go, but off on his musicality.

Len, got through, timing off,

Bruno, more hopping mad than Lindy Hop, listen to the music, has a timing problem.

3 5s.


Tango, looks pretty good to me, missed a bit as was getting my sandwiches.

Len, heavy lacked passion

Bruno, menacing, intense. the judges are disagreeing a lot tonight.

Carrynn, power, good execution, lacked connection to eddita. chemestry or something.

scores say: 2 7s and a 5. Big difference from len, usually only one point difference.

Ty, Lindy Hop

Very fun routine, lots of energy and fun. Really good.

Bruno, still rough around the edges, vitality of a young stallion

Carryann, getting better and better, Chelsey great teacher. I like her a lot

Len, so far beyond his expectations, overall, great job, great choreography.


Lindy Hop. Shall I cook, or shall I watch and blog??? Stomach rules, so perhaps I'll watch and cook and not blog. I had an excellent, long nap so there's no need to blog to keep myself awake. Guess I just like to chat.

Didn't like it as much as David's, but it's anoher good Huff routine,

Carryann, believes he's a contender

Len, competent, but needs something more

Bruno, style wonderful, but loose around the edges, crispier.

scores say:

2 7s and an 8


David did the Lindy Hop. Most excellent job.

Len, fun, energy, captured the fun, lost some of the rythm, not his best, but pretty good.

Bruno, loses some footwork with the speed, but good performance.

Carryann, disagrees, didn't loose footwork, great.

I really liked it. But scores say:

2 7s and an 8. I'd have scored highter, but that might be bias and dance ignorance or something. It was good entertainment and he looked good doing it. I really can't rate the techniqualities.

Lil' Kim, Argentine Tango varries from the ballroom tango. This'll be fun to see if I can see any difference which I probably cannot.

Most excellent dance. I like this form better than the ballroom and Lil' Kim did just so excellently. Good routine, too.

Bruno, more than a tango, tail of a fatal beauty...etc. He loves it. I like it when the judges agree with me. A lot.

Carryann, the real deal. good lines and style and stuff, loved it.

Len knocked out with the choreorgraphy, not so much the sensuality. Uh, Carryann and Bruno disagree.

I think it was perfect, favorite dance for me so far this year.

Jeeze! Bruno gave her a 10. First 10 this year. Excellent. one 9 and one 8. There aren't usually 3 different scores. Another unique, memorial moment. Very good dance, really.

Tuesday, March 24, 2009


eliminated. Always a sad moment. She really should have styd.

Did they just say they're doing the Lindy Hop? Good news.


Looks really good to me. Judges say, however

Len - really hot, not wooden tonight. good job

Bruno - hot, needs better timing and feet placement

Carryanne - looks like a party, foot on ground

basically all positive comments and an improved performance. Good.

3 6s, one point better.

Denise next. I guess it's all about fan base, really.

Bruno - much improvement

Carryann - good under pressure, good

Len - proved she deserves to stay

All very positive.

2 7s and a 6. 4 point improvement. Both did very good jobs.

They both seem to be a little awkard. Need smoothness and fluidity in the legs. They don't seem natural, I guess. Like I should talk. I can't dance the box step.

late, but not so

late. Games. They're demanding. Animal Crossings. New town. I might like this one. If not, delete.

They're announcing some of the saved. So far, David and Shawn and Lil' Kim are saved. Oh, and Steve the Apple guy. Excellent results so far.

Now a demo of the Lindy Hop with CLORIS and good, and the tango. they're such fun. I wish they'd add the Lindy Hop to the show.

The pros just did a jive to Hall and Oats. Most excellent number. And they played Man Eater (or whatever the name is which I don't know although I clearly am deeply familiar and love the song.)

Adele's singing tonight. This is the best night for me. Jives, Cloris and 2 singers/groups I really like.

AND, blessing of all blessings, I did get the garbage out in time. I forget it more often than usual since they changed the day. But I made it and that's the important thing.

Steve-O safe, Ty safe. Holly and Denise in the dance-off.

Monday, March 23, 2009

David's up

I think he looks really good. Needs smoothing as they all do.

Bruno, at least he's not mad this time. Transformation, good job.

Carryann, 2 thumbs up, like a Rockette.

Len, best dance so far

'whew', I was sweating that one.

But we'll see what the scores say. They often don't make sense to me.
Compared with the remarks.

I've been busy this week think up all kinds of bands I know, even if I wouldn't recongize them. Well. I thought of 4 or 5 more. It was productive.

Excellent. 3 8s. Very, very good.

Steve the Apple guy. He really puts everything into this, really doing the samba. Very sincere effort and entertaining performance. Good job and his leg held up.

They all pretty much don't like his dancing, and it isn't very good as dancing goes, but has some positive qualities. I don't know how uch better he'll get very quick, but he's worth staying. Ouch. 2 3's and a 4. I don't remember scores this low. Ever.

So. Did I get Jewel's husband's name wrong? Probably. Typically, that's what I do. I'll have to pay attention. I heard Tony, but I don't know to whom that name refered, or if indeed, Tony was said. My hearing's as odd as my spelling.

Melissa's up.

You know, if they're too good, I'm not so interested. But she's not good enough to fit with the pro women dancers to be a favorite for me.

Len, good musicality

Bruno, easy to love, good to look at (I don't see much life in it)

See? Carryann thinks something's missing.

But Lil' Kim and Ty (I really think it's Ty and Tony refered to the pro with Melissa) are up next so all's good.

publish or perish

Thought I should post that last one before I lost it. Now I'm thinking with gas. Or something. And I'm hungry.

Shawn's up.

If she can relax into a character, she'll do great. That's hard when you're not used to that, but it gives you cover, a place to hide. Fox Trot.

Looks really good. She's used to the on stge under pressure withch really helps. I'm enjoying her dance a lot, and that's half of it.

Carryann: smooth, princess, just great

Len: Lovely arms, fluid, a little hunched, best so far for her

Bruno: beautiful hummingbird.

She did look really good.

3 9s. Really right on scores.

Gilles next. Wonder if I'm spelling his name right yet? Have to watch and see if they put the manes up on screen again.

I almost heard his name this time, but is the final 's' pronounced? It's more like 'Jeels'

Very fun samba however it's pronounced.

Len said it without the final 's'. That's what I'm going with. The British know a lot of French. It's geography. And history. Look it up.

Great remarks, but I wasn't listening so much. Concerned with his name. It's a great name.

Is David next? Think so.

late again

But I was busy. Lego's Star Wars, II. It was important. I did, in all saintliness, end the level sooner rather than completely, so I get points for that. I lost mucho gromits on that move.

The 3rd dance just finished. Denise, Julianne's boyfriend I forgot his name already again, and Holly. I pretty much agree with the judges. I think Holly did do some things really well, although had a slight robot like action at times. But I did think Denise did better than the judges did. Oh, well. The votes go on.

Steve-O's up. Hope his back makes it. I heard that Steve the Apple guy pulled a hamstring. On top of his foot, I really didn't expect him, but he's there tonight. It's the economy. All these injuries. It's the only thing that makes sense.

Fox trot? Needs elegance. Don't know if it was his back, but his body was awkard.

Len, good, but fell apart
Bruno, same
Carryann, supportative

All admire his fighting the back.

3 5s. Guess he just hurt his back again and his ankle. This may be too much for it. Probably makes it worse if he's tense on stage. Just stresses the muscles more.

Lawerence: Looking good, real good. Excellent opening. TThis may be his more natural style. Those athetes are used to working through it.

Bruno: really liked it.

Carryann: good job, can do more

Len: likes his work ethic, more hips

2 7s and a 6. HIgh scores so far, I think, maybe, or at least one of them. Do I know what I'm talking about? Of course not. Really good job, though.

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

here's the answer

And I'm not happy.

Belinda's off the show. A real shame. Even if I don't know her band.

And I'm glad I can quit blogging now.

here's the deal

I'd have to pick Steve in the dance off. But fortunately, I'm not voting. The judges agree with me about his of the most entertaining dancers ever. See? Good dancing isn't the whole thing. Good dancing can be a cold thing. No fun at all.

I don't have a clue who's likely to be eliminated. Except that Belinda probably has more fans, but Steve probably has more tech smart fans who can vote lots really fast.
belinda's first, salsa.

Judges liked it better than the first time in parts, but over all they say isn't not so good.

And I don't have a cell phone or anything to text on or call in votes and wouldn't use the phone for voting anyway. Guess I could try the tv site again and see if anything's changed since I couldn't use it last time, but who'd I vote for this time?

Voting can't be done. And I've been in a much better mood since I haven't had to hastle the voting stuff.
Ya, I really enjoyed Denises' quickstep and think she can do really well.

Cchuck. I wasn't impressed with his attitude about the Salsa. He is perhaps too young to know what masculine is. It's about being unafraid - see Ty.

He seems to have the physical ability to do the dances, he's got to get the emotional stuff in control...or out of control since he's got an apparent image problem. Sometimes it's just a maturity thing..see Jerry Springer. Shawn's just honest and self-aware about it. It makes her giggle. Very age appropriate.

Ya, see? Lil' Kim is really good. Good mover, good stage presence, good entertainer. Don't think I ever heard her music. I don't hear a lot of music.

Shawn's another really good one. I don't necessarily like the best dancers. I just like the dancers I like.

I like her.

She can really move. She may have technical issues that I don't see, but they all do since they're all not dancers. I guess except for Melisa who has dance experience.

But even so, it's still largely a popularity contest. Those who have a large following and those who develop one on the show combined with dance ability.

Melisa's up. Really not a favorite. Be interesting to see what happens. Will it be sympathy votes? Will it be her dancing? Can anybody tell for sure?

I'm just not entertained by her dancing as I am with others. I like Holly and Denise a lot better. And I know the judges like her a lot. I never do get the judging.

Gilles. It sounded like Tom said "Jill' for the pronounciation of his name. I'll have o keep lisening to see if I can figure it out. It's a great name, however it's pronounced. I missed his first dance, then really liked his quickstep. It can take some time to get to know people I haven't seen before so I don't know if I like him yet or not.

Oh, Samantha's got a great dress tonight. Like the color a lot.

Ooh...big band stuff. Who's the band? Real good stuff. The pros doing a fourtys style dance. I think. This is very fun. Lots of brass. Looks like they all had fun. I sure did.

Tom is very funny.

So far 2 of my favorites made it to next week. David and Shawn.

Lil' Kim's back.

A dance company's doing a very fund routine, more big band sound, but not 49s necessarily. I wish they'd show the band and singers more, though. Really like this song, too, whatever it is. Great arrangement. Mickey Rooney's there tonight. Talk about a favorite. Is he the best or what? The best is the only answer.

Jewel's singing, Over the rainbow. She's doing real good with it, too.

Wonder who's thinking of Judy Garland?

The thing about dancers is that they have get up close and personsal with total strangers and act like it's pure animal attraction. I guess they get used to it like any job. And they probably don't mind and probably don't take it personally.

Really good song from Jewel and a good dance. I really like this show.

The next computer I get if I get one's gonna be an apple. No more windows. Ever. I've got MSNtv2 which is cheap, but doesn't work lots and lots of internet. The company, MSN, has to add things. Like the newer flash abilities. I can't download. So I can't use the tv sites to vote for Dancing and other sites, whatever.

So, two favorites face the dance-off. Belinda and Steve the Apple guy.

I don't think my favorites have ever won, come to think about it. I'm not the go-to person to predict winners, that's for sure.

early to my party

It's the Go-Gos Belinda was in. Another band I'd heard of, but couldn't recognize them or tell you if I've ever heard their music even if I have and I probably have.

I think Belinda is another favorite. For sure.

But I'm early for the show. Tthe recap of the first two dances is on. And I'm glad to see it especially since I slept through part of it.

I still really like Steve the Apple guy a lot. Steve -O isn't so much a favorite, but he could do with more flexibility, yoga or ballet would help. That's the biggest problem I see with the new dancers. I just don't see the arm stuff and the stepping off the heel or toe deal or whatever that is.

So who are the Pussycat Dolls? Did I make that up or something?

Apple Steve seems to have more flexability than most, just not the innate coordination or natural ability that others have. But he's a tryer and a pleasure to see getting better each week. I sure hope he stays. He's not a blamer.

David Alan Grier - did I spell it right yet? I keep looking closely at his name when I see it, but don't know if I remember the spelling yet. Or if I ever will. He puts fun in the show, and really tries. He's sincere even with the commedy. He's always fun, though, and I've been a fan for a long time. I think it's pollible to like people even if you can't spell their names. Isn't it?

Holly, could do really well with time. She comes across as a very nice girl, too. Likable.

Monday, March 16, 2009

Lil Kim

Low scores for Steve -o.

Good, a quick step. She looks real good to me. Couldn't really see her feet too well, saw Derek more, but that's tv for you.

Bruno loves it

Carry Ann loves it.

Len not so much quality, lots of quantity. No body contact, they all noticed that. Len made the issue of it, but it's part of the dance and should be done right.

They were fun to watch. And she's good.

2 8s and a 7. Still good scores.

So my favorites are Steve, David, Kim and who'd I forget? Oh, maybe Shawn.

Melisa - salsa

They've got really good music this session. She's downplaying her dance experience, but it gives her a background in than kind of movement. It's different than atheletics, it's still dance even if a different kind. It's not as much a transition as others have, many from nothing. Looks like she's a contender.

Judges loved her.

2 9s and an 8.

Another injury. Cheryl's partner, someone else I don't know, Sex int he City actor, hurt his shoulder. His name's Gilles. A fun quickstep. He's got the attitude into stuff. I liked it/

Think I slept through him last week, along with Juliann and maybe somebody else. Oh, ya I woke up when Ty was dancing.

Doing good tonight even with no nap.

3 9s. High score. Didn't catch how to pronouce his name. He'll probably be back. Wonder when the
elimation is? They just said his name and I didn't get what it is. People have to go real slow for me to catch on.
Chuck - don't know him. Thinks salsa moves feminine. Doesn't look female when the guys do it. It's really sexy moves for both. Dancing with Julianne.

Judges not happy. 2 7s and a 6. Good scores for not so good remarks. Never fails. Can't tell what the scores are gonna be at all from remarks.

Just missed Lawerence. Needed Tums. It's my cooking.

Judges liked him, saw improvement. Good. Don't know who Lawerence is at all.

Oh, ya. I know The Dixie Chicks, too. That's 3 groups I know. The Beatles, them and ABBA. Maybe I even know some more if I can think of them. Well, The Judds. My list groweth. That chat might have been in the blog I lost. It was in reference to Belinda who was a singer in maybe The Pussycat Dolls or somebody I know the name of but not the people and couldn't identify any of their songs inparticular although I've probably heard some of them. Like the Eagles. Couldn't point them out, but know I've heard and like their songs.

Lawerence got good scores.

Steve-o out with a back injury. Back next week hopefully. Judging from the dress rehersal tape.

Len not impressed.

Bruno, not impressed - no salsa in the salsa

Carryann - lots of promise, but not so good for a salsa. I think he can dance, but he's got the back injury. Hope it gets better.

Maybe if their mic packs can cause injury, they should use hand held micraphones at the judges' table. It appears to be a real saftey issue. He landed on the one he was wearing and make the back problem worse. I don't think people need micraphones to dance. Do they? Wiser heads than mine make these decisions.

so far

There's nobody I don't like. So far, nobody's an automatic boot for me. Not tonight yet. But do I ever want anyone to leave? Not yet.

Shawn - gonna salsa. I like the quick steps better. Jive, of course, is still the best one. Wonder if the saucy salsa is easier for her emotionaly? She's young. Really, really good moves. She's got the athlete thing going for her.

Bruno wants more naughty and flirty.

Len, needs to let it go, more sauce.

Carry Ann, loved it. Probably the best dancer so far, but still the age thing kinda has her stimied. Hard for her to loosen up and do the sexy stuff. Good for her.

Missed the scores, but high ones, I think.

Steve the apple guy. Quick step, I guess. And he's got a broken foot.

He's havng so much fun that he's a pleasure to watch. Not the best dancer, probably, but would keep right on working at it as best he can He's got half of it down, he's entertaining. And tries to do right.

Judges like him, not the dancing exactly, but the character and charm of his performance.

2 6s and a 5. He's right in there with most of them. I really like him. Think he's on my list of favorites.
Just sent myself to google. Don't know how, but there I was. Lost the blog per usual.

David, good.

Denise, good.


Belinda's up. Looks like she's having fun. Moves pretty well. Enthaustic, energetic. Needs moves smoothed out some. Don't know her. Think she's from the Pussycat Dolls, maybe. Don't know them either. I know 2 bands. ABBA and The Beatles. And have a passing scan of some others I couldn't pick out of a crowd. Like the Eagles. I guess I know the Stones, don't like them much, but certainly know them.

Belinda got 3 6s. Not bad at all. She can do it in time.

Jewel's husband's up next. Ty, something? Well, of course I don't remember. I remember Jewel, don't I? Instead of some tendon pull, turns out she has two broken tibias. How'd that happen? Really awful.

He's a bull rider, you know he's got the courage for most anything. Lots of effort and energy, needs refinement, not a lot of grace yet. Doing good,

Carry Ann, likes him a lot

Bruno, enthusiastc, big improvement.

Len, same, improvment.

Wonder why Len and Bruno seemed so angry at David? Very strange.

Ty, 2 7s and a 6. Top score so far, maybe? did somebody get 3 7s? How well I recall it all. Not a bit.

Monday, March 9, 2009

my votes go to

David Allen Greer, Shawn Johnson, Lil Kim and Steve, the Apple man. Except I slept through some of Dancing with the Stars tonight, so that's not exactly fair, expept that I didn't know the ones I missed anyway. I was really impressed with Lil Kim...good entertainer. David Allen always a favorite of mine. Was he on a Bonny Hunt sitcom? Think so, but I've seen him several places including Clean House, and always liked him a lot. Shawn (or however it's spelt, is so sweet and really has dance potential. Great to watch. Steve the Apple guy is so much fun, has the potential to get better and I'd sure enjoy watching him progress. Has a good attitude for a genius. They're not always so appealing. He does the mental walkthrough for the routines. That kind of thing really works if people would just give it a try. He did a pretty good job, too, for the non-athlete type. Thought Denise Richards did well, too, although she's got some weird kind of posture thing happening. They all need to relax. It must be nerve wracking.

And the best part is seeing the judges and hosts again. I've gotten very fond of them all and it's good to see them. I thought that Jewel's husband did better than the judges did, too. I'll have to read the review to see what's what for this season. Two stars got sidelined with injuries, and the woman from The Bachelor is one replacment, I don't know who the other replacement is. But the one I saw did really good for only 2 days rehersal, although she apparently has dance experience which can only help.

And then there's my list of bitches which as nothing to do with dancing or stars or much of anything much.

Friday, February 6, 2009


The View just had kids and internet stuff on the show. The had people on to discuss the problems and dangers kids find, but nobody say to keep kids off line, or to restrict their access. The just recommended trying to follow their site histories, and mentioned a group that can track them through their emails. Why do kids need so much access in the first place. Why do they need cell phones and text messaging? This stuff isn't doing them any good in any way. We're raising a generation with no social or education skills. Or very limited and skewed abilities. Any kid who thinks that text talk goes over well in employment is just so wrong. And they all will. Why? Kids can't think, that's why. It's what makes them kids. They haven't spent even 1 minute as an adult yet. What would they know? And they all think they know it all.

The Duggars, the family with 18 kids, keep strict controls on the sites their kids can access. It can be done. Only a couple of kids know the password for their acceptable sites and have to get the littler kids on line. They use the net for education resources since they homeschool, maybe some games, I don't know. But if they can control 18 kids, anybody can control one or two or 3 or 10.

Why would people let their 14 year olds have facebook and myspace pages in the first place? It's pure madness. They'd be spending their lives policing their kids, uh, explorations.

ah, I see

Kelly's yellow dress was from last May. There were taped portions on the show today, but I missed the first 15 minutes so didn't realize it till somebody mentioned the date. At least something makes sense to me.

So, you can't face having to cook all that much? Add a day or two a week. How else do you spend that could be changed? Clothes? Quit buying them. Or add a jacket or vest to change things up some. Just wear them for an extra season and see that you won't die. Quit taking expensive vacations. Tour locally, less days, cheaper venues. If people don't have to cut living expenses, they don't have to do anything at all. Stay home on vacations and repaint the kitchen. We seem to waste a lot of time and money from not thinking and believing we have to have more, that we're entitled to more, like 8 bathrooms.

I think what I do with several of the other bathrooms, assuming that all bedrooms have one each, with 3 or 4 other bathrooms somewhere (no floor plans were available) is to try to figure out how to make the bedrooms bigger. Especially for kids' rooms, have a play/craft type area, toy storage, make a bigger closet if the on there is small. For older people, a desk, sitting area might be nice. It really depends on the number and ages of people living in the house. But if kids can't share a bathroom, there's a problem somewhere.

But I'd be planning a house for one. Me. And the dogs and cats and whatever happened to be around. I'd need a lot of cleanable surfaces. A big great room/kitchen area is where I'd mostly live. With a tv, pc or mac, a refectory table and couch, accidedntal tables somewhere. I'd probably do things for resale like a formal livingroom and dinning room, but don't see using them. 4 bedrooms, the standard master w/bath, all 4 with walk-in closets and none smaller than 12 by 12.

With an upstairs, I'd put a laundry up, near the bedrooms where the clothes are. Probably a full bath downstaris near the kitchen for dog washing reasons mostly. Washable floors, please. Ever live with dogs?

There's been a house tour on Hooked on Houses this past week that I found very interesting. One of the houses, a Tudor style had some features I'd look for. Dark panneling and dark wood staircase. One had some windows that bugged me a lot and I'd look to avoid. They look like a series of checkerboards, 9 over 9 pannels on 3 sets of windows plus french doors all in a row. Just too busy. The last house has curtains I like. Most window treatments look absurd and overly formal to me, the plain, simple full length/cafe style suits me better. But those houses are really too big for me and a few pets. There is some planning involved for resale value, but it doesn't have to be out of the ordinary. It just needs to be livable to an ordinary number and sort of persons.

The Tudor house, I think it was, had a really bad kitchen. Almost no work space, butlers pantry for storage, but I'd want adequate (meaning lots) of work area. It's surrounded by sitting areas, but looks really small and useless for cooking.


All this economy talk has really been raising memories.

My mother was especially thrifty. My father tried, but he tended towards flamboyance a bit. He got oriental carpets, for example, and made chipino. But he wore his clothes until they were rags and bought used cars and straighted out bent nails to reuse, etc.

But food was really a big savings area at home.

Mom used to dilute whole milk half and half with powdered. She'd mix up 2 quarts of powdered and add 2 quarts on whole (she used two marked pitchers, gradiated in cups and quarts for ease). Is it cheaper? I don't know, can't do that kind of math.

I keep powdered milk now for baking. Saves running to the store, can't taste any difference, no fat, and likely cheaper. Very handy, I've found.

They'd plan for leftovers. Dad used to take left-over pot roast to make beef hash. He cooked the carrots, potatoes and onions with the meat. Then he'd chop the meat very fine and grate the carrots and potatoes, chop the onion and moisten with gravy. Heat in a frying pan to achieve a crust or not, easy, fast and tasty. Season, of course, to taste.

A roast can make several meals and sandwiches. So can roast chicken, which we never had, but mom's fried chicken, really browned and steamed, made lovely sandwiches for a couple of days.

Make twice as much of things that can be frozen, freeze half for the next month and that's another meal mostly done. Spaghetti sauce, meatloaf, many soups and stews, lasagna, etc, can all be made ahead and divided into meal portions.

We had very few packaged foods. Cookies, sometimes, but mom and I both baked.

Buy extra when on sale of things you know you use. Meat and canned goods work well here. People don't have to be mega shopping savers to make a difference in their budgets. It's mostly about a change of thinking, anyway, leading to a change of action.

With leftovers, there's usually something to pack for school and work lunches. Eating at home can save a fortune. Is Starbucks a necessity or a preference. Save it for specail occasions. Is that a real or percieved sacrifice? How expensive is convienience and thoughtless living?

Buy used. Not food. Clothes, toys, books, etc. Or quit buying. Games, movies (rent instead), cute shoes, stuff, whatever.

My mom would make meatless meals once in a while. Spanish rice, and a spread for french bread made of canned chilies, cheddar, green onions and a little mayo, heated to preferend doneness. Easy and cheap. She also always made salad and vegetables, mostly fresh in later years, but few canned and some frozen early on.

Bubble and Squeak appeals to me as a meatless meal. I like potatoes and cabbage, chopped small and fried like the hash. That's vegetables and potatoes are filling. Easy enough to add some fruit salad or other vegetable and bread to round it out. Would people really miss the meat that much? Some probably would. Add some bacon on the side, maybe. Still easy.

Easy fruit salad and probably cheap. A can of fruit salad, drained, mixed with apple, banana, pear, grapes, Mandrine oranges, whatever. A little mayo (my mother's way), I used fruit yoghurt usually, little nutmeg or curry powder if liked (I don't). Easy, fast, convienent and maybe even cheaper than all fresh fruit and it's gotta be somwhat cheaper expecially for out of fruit season times. This is stuff people can and do keep on hand as well.

I usually cook extra potatoes. I boil them unpeeled, eat one or two, use the rest for fried potatoes or salad. I'm much more likely to make things if the food's mostly ready.

I hardboil 6 to 8 eggs at a time. Good for egg salad and gratting into tuna salad, or deviled eggs. But there're there. Sometimes I snack on them. Already ready to go.

When I make chicken stock, I boil a whole chicken and use the meat for several dishes, many to be frozen. The stock is great to freeze for recipes, use for soup, chicken and
dumplings, what ever sounds good.

Mix up baking mix to replace bisquick. Keep the dry ingredients in a bucket, then just add the liquids as using. My mom used Bisquick for dumplings (great on any soupy, stewy meal) and strawberry short cake. Maybe for waffles and pancakes at one time, too, don't remember. There's a good looking recipe at Chickens in the Road for it and I've seen several on the web.

Effective living is about thought. Effective thinking. Justifing what we do to continue the doing is what digs the ditches in life.

Kelly on Regis and Kelly has on a really pretty dress and she looks great in it. But it's wrong. It's a sleeveless, light yellow that looks like spring. See? I don't get 8 bathrooms or fashion. It's gray and rainy here today and her dress makes me extra cold.

Thursday, February 5, 2009

new word

frisson - a French word for a thril or shiver of pleasure.

I saw 'frissance' used and asked about it. This is apparently an anglicized version. Not exactly a real word but a terrific one.

So I'm having a frissance. I got a book today. But almost better than that, I got my liscense renewed. Had to go to DMV. It's been years since I've been. They moved. They didn't tell me. Fortunately, the lady in the same building knew where they went and I got directions. Only had to pass the eye test. Bet next time it's the written or some other equal torture. To top it off, bet I don't even pass the eye test next time. I'm good for now. Till the next thing.

But with all that time sitting around at DMV, I figured out what I do with the excess bathroom problem.

I'd take the least interesting bedroom in a 5 bedroom house and turning it into a laundry room, take out the bathroom fixtures and add washer/dryer and possibly an extra hot water heater. If possible, I'd line the closet with cedar and use it for seasonal clothes and long-term linen storage. It would be nice to have a folding table and ironing board set up, with extra storage pieces. For stuff. And things.

Now about those other 7 bathrooms, I don't know quite. It's just too many bathrooms. How much time are people (other than teenagers) spending in bathrooms? Families don't practice any kind of togetherness anymore. Uh, I didn't mean in the bathroom at the same time or anything. I get no frissance from excess bathrooms. No frisson, either.

But I did get frissance and frisson from my new book. It's "Gods and Goddesses" by Crusie, Stuart and Rich. Available in grocery stores nation wide. Also probably in bookstores, but I got a copy at the grocery. It's down the street from DMV. So I got frozen dinners, too. Since I already paid bills, I figured I deserved a treat? Truthfully, I just wanted some potatoes and gravy. With meat. All suffering deserves a frissance of relief now and then, and please. Nobody try to tell me that DMV isn't all about suffering.

in further news

There is no news. I am currently between blog reading and game playing with nothing to do while I watch tv. It's a sad state.

So I'll blog and bore everyone to death. Just like PETA does.

Only without the bombs and tree spiking.

If lumberjacks catch anyone spiking trees, they'll kill 'em. Nobody would say a word. I wouldn't blame them at all. They're suffereing severe injuries and possibly death. For a cause. Somebody else's cause. They need to feed and house their families. PETA and other naturalists don't bother finding them other work. It's the same as Christians bombing abortion clinics and writing hate mail. Pure ideology is wrong and stupid and destructive. For others, and they risk their own souls.

So now what can I talk about when I have nothing to say about anything? I perhaps can find something. Oh, I just did.

I did look up some more grammar topics. Like/as and bring/take. Like/as is too subtile for me to immediately comphrend, but apparently I've been using bring/take correctly anyway even without knowing which is what. Shocking but true. And yes, I know that's not a complete sentence. It's a style issue. Perhaps.

Haven't been reading "Animals Make Us Human" recently. Still on the horse chapter. I suddenly realized that I don't know how they make us human. Either she hasn't said yet, or I missed it. I probably missed it AND she hasn't said yes. Sometimes all choices are correct.

Maybe not, but I'll say so anyway.

My latest obsession is bathrooms. New houses seem to feature large numbers of bathrooms. 5 bedroom houses regularly have 8 bathrooms. What for? Who for? What's the point? Who'd be using all those bathrooms? They take up a lot of space for nobody to use very often? That's 3 extra bathrooms if every bedroom has one. Why do all bedrooms need a bathroom? Is this part of a life of excess that we all aim for these days? Who wants to clean that many bathrooms? Even it if might most often be dusting?

I honest to God don't get this large number of bathrooms in new construction.

What I do think is handy is to have 2, maybe 3 water heaters. One for laundry. In a big house, maybe 2 for showers and kitchen. I saw that in a appartment of all things. I liked the idea right away.

Monday, February 2, 2009

I really hate

Kate Goslin. She was on Larry King regarding the new octuplets from th woman who has 6 others and said that after the first year, she and her husband were on their own with the kids. Not exactly. There was her sister in law until she blew her off, and then all the nannies the the Jon and Kate plus 8 show pays for. Plus a couple of freebee laundry helpers, and all the free clothes and other stuff people send them. And who knows who else.

Oh, ya. I read somewhere that the show pays for an organic chief for them, too.

If this mom can't make a similar tv deal with her kids, she'll be on welfare. That's not a lot of money to raise 14 kids. Wonder if the public will as generous with her as J and K. She's already got a black eye over this.

And the there's liberal arts. The one degree that leads to exactly 0 jobs. But they could look at all school as liberal arts education, which in many ways it is already with a variety of subjects taught, with an added focus on one particular area, maybe. It doesn't hurt a dental hygenist to know about Faust even if he won't be dropping by for x-rays.

I really should look up dependent and independent clauses. My punctuation is probably not quite as bad as my spelling. But I won't and call it good.

I didn't do it.

Miss the garbage pick-up. The first truck I heard was the recycle truck. I'd run the can out before it got to this side of the street thinking I'd missed the earlier garbage truck. There wasn't an earlier garbage truck. That one finally came around noon. This is all backwards.

The pick-up used to be tomorrow. The garbage truck got here by 7 a.m. The recycle truck an hour or two later. I can't cope. This is just wrong. But I got the trash picked up, so I won't bitch. Not until next time I forget to get it out on time.

Tom Dashels' taxing moment. Everybody who knows the whole tax code raise your hands....that's what I thought. The right can't, won't give him the benefit of the doubt.

They want to do the fair tax. I think it's the only taxes anyone pays, personal and corporate are on consumer purchases. No social security or withholding from paychecks, etc. No income tax.

That's likely to throw lots of people out on the street. It will, of course, further line the pockets of the wealthy who can buy retirement and health policies. I wonder if they'll buy corporate jets and 2 thousand waste baskets or create new jobs. At what pay rate? Things always sound good on paper. Communisum
did. Pure ideology's dangerous.

And what's wrong with raising taxes on smoking? Nobody should do it anyway. They should leave wine alone since it's really a food item, but cigarettes and hard liquor could handle more taxes. It's not gonna stop either one, anyway.


Hilary's being sworn in as we speak. So to speak.

I'm really happy for her. She deserves good things. She's worked a lot, suffered a lot, all for a country who often doesn't appreciate her, bad-mouths her and her family, and often call her Mrs. Clinton instead of Senator or Madam Secretary. She's tougher than the rest of us put together. The right could at least appreciate her duty and sacrifice for US. No matter what crap people throw at her. They could show some appreciation, some respect. That's what they want from the left. They need to give what they want returned. Isn't that the Christian thing to, way to be? Do unto others? Or something. Maybe. Or maybe not. It wouldn't be Republican.

Michael Phelps, well.

Smoking a bong is hardly murder, never the less, it's not exactly legal. The anti-Phelps as role model folks are the same folks who are anti-mentioning Palins pregnant teen. Palin as role model but not Phelps? We need to check into our own hyporicies, our own biases, or own goals and motivations. We easily and eagerly assign those things to others while rejecting any acceptance of any of our own.

I don't like Republicans, and I know it. I'm not in a position where I have to be fair especially. I'm not too fond of Democrats quite often, although I naturally land on the left of many issues. But not always. And I don't think I'm untypical in this. Most people are a combination of left-right beliefs. It's what makes this a moderate country. Joy and Elisabeth on The View are unusual to my mind o this. They both argue a solid left or right slant. Whoopie, Barbara and Sheri don't. But that's party politics and that's something I really can't honestly do. Argue strictly for one side or the other. They both have times I agree with and both left and right have the same American rights and obligations. It's just that the Republicans are mostly wrong. From my point of view, and I'm just so seldom wrong. About my opinion. I do know what that is unless I haven't decided yet.


I finally figured out how to use spell-check on the blog. Now I hav to use it. Parochial didn't highlight. Could it possibly be spelled right? Unlikely, but possible.

So. What's wrong with small town politics? Nothing. Bush's politics work in Texas. Palin's work in Alaska. But neither work for national and international politics. Palin herself said it. Speaking in a small town, 'where the real Americans are.'

And I probably missed the garbage pick-up. This is more critical than Palin. They changed the pick-up day and I'm not with it at all yet. Guess I can leave the can out all week. And make waffles, too, now that I have flower. I can do many things. Or not.

And Alaska may be the largest state in square miles, but it's the samllest in population and almost all of it's small town. The biggest towns aren't known for their cosmopolitian settings. No matter what the right wing media says, they're as slanted as the left.

and the problem is

Sarah Palin. Some more. Some guy made a documentary to show media bias against her. Liberal, mainstream media. Palin, in an interview clip, said McCain's handlers made her continue with another one or two interviews with Katie Curic after the first one didn't go well and she, Palin, didn't want to continue. But Palin didn't refuse. She didn't take much credit for screwing up. She did blame others.

And the shocking horror of people discussing her unmarried, pregnant teen daughter. The issue is the ramming of absestence only birth control education by the religious right on the public at large represented by the very fundamentalist Christian Palin who's religion and abstinence programing doesn't seem any more effective than planned parenthood methods. But nobody talks about this. They only argue about the correctness of mentioning her daughter's slip or not mentioning it.

One of the problems with teen pregnancy is the tolerance for it. Her daughter's been sanctified by the right when the right are the ones who scream the most about it, blaming the left. They can't control it either.

Why shouldn't people talk about her. They keep snarking about Hilary's pantsuits. And the teen pregnancy speaks directly to Palin's politics. Her right-wing, religious politics. A national candidate? She's too Alaska, a very rural, small town state. Parochial. Well, I sure spelt that wrong.

Saturday, January 31, 2009


Geraldo's on. Close it or not? Here's the deal. PR says close it. It's a chronic black eye for the US. Where to send the guys? Keep them with the military somewhere. Civil courts? Please. That'd be a zoo. Insanity run rampant. A very large disaster of unimaginable proportions.

Huckabee says they're not warriors. No flag, no country, etc. So what. I we're fighting a war on terriorism, then they're the combantant army. Like it or not. We can't have it both ways. And if they'd just change the stupid laws to accommodate terriorists troops, they'd have military sanction to deal with them that way which is the only way that's likely to work at all. They can keep them in jail till the war's over just like they always have. Or try them.

There's an English guy on now who says that creative activities are mandatory for education. Huckabee says put them in schools. Huh. Where does he cut taxes? Cause that's half of what he wants to do. The other half is put religion in schools, I imagine.

With the global economy and more population and the rapidy changing economic realities and jobs, creativity helps people find and develop their creativies so they know what they are and they can adapt better. Or something like that. Really interesting. They're saying that creativity is fundamental to our economy. But's it fundamental to human natutre and needs expression. How we develop is through experience, by espressing the human parts. We become human that way.

Why are kids acting so stupidly? They're not being devoloped. They're being entertained.

and why

would the Republicans balk at a Democratic bill? Espeically after castigating the Dems for doing the same thing for 8 years, it seems a bit fishy. Or is that Sea Kitty smelling? (sorry, another PETA reference.)

Cavuto's on and is against the bill, of course. He says that we're all the descendents of the Greatest Generation (the depression and WWII) so dealing is in our DNA. The problem, it isn't in everybody's experience. Any human from any country or generation has the ability to cope and not expect government bail-outs. But not everybody as the experience of having to live it or seeing others live it. Teach history. Please. Just teach something. Do people feel entitled? Well, uh, ya. And it's Beverly Hills 90210 that did it. I swear it's true.

Oh, so why the Republicans are balking and talking tough and American now is that they want to start winning elections again starting in 2 years. They'd better change what they are not do another change the image the neo-cons did. They haven't shown any particular ability for politics or economics for years and years and years.

and now

budget talk. I have to agree that the stimulation package is probably stupid. The D.s seemed to have add the birth control stuff just to pick at the R.s and they knew it would. I can't blame them for wanting their social programs put through and from what I hear, everybody always tries to get their laws passed right away while they can. So they were following tradition. The R.s certainly ran bills through when they got Congress and Bush as president.

How funny, and almost unheard of. I just agreed with Huckabee. He recommended a liberal arts major in college. The only thing he missed with his recommendation is that it teaches people about the world. The past, present, future and how they're all connected and how we connect to it. More dots. It gives perspective and continuity. Broadens understanding. Of self.

He mentioned the choices in profession it can help people with since things change so often that people have to change, too. It's always good to know things. Just make sure it includes geography. And probably latin.

But the budget. This bill isn't the time for social programs. The Republicans, also, won't go for anything that isn't their bill anyway. But lots of this bill really doesn't make stimulation sense.

I really hate politics.

and now

We're still on Fox News today. Why? Because, that's why.

I think it's Julie Bandaris on now. As usual, all details especially names may be wrong.

But the anchor reported on the shoe statue somebody put up at an Iraqui school honoring the reporter who threw his shoes at Bush. She obvioulsy disapproved of the sentiment and the statue.

But isn't that free speech and the right to beliefs and opinions we imposed on the country? That's the problem with them, isn't it. People won't always say, do and believe what we do and they get to say so. We're not supposed to like it, we're supposed to support their rights if we want those rights for ourselves.

If people don't see us the way we want to be seen or see ourselves, maybe we should look at ourselves a little better - more honestly. This works at all levels of life.

Oh, Huckabee's on. Maybe I'll find something to say. Or have a fit about. Or both. It's likely.

Poor O'Reilly

He just can't get that kids today are no stupider than when he was a kid. He's fighting it. All the sex and violence kids see have shapped their beliefs and behaivors. Most recenly, girls at a Georgia highschool got in trouble for a routine at a game cause they did some lap-dancing stuff.

When O'Reilly was a kid, who in the world ever heard of lap-dancing? What makes him think that kids today understand that putting naked, sexy pictures of themselves will cause them trouble 15 years from now? Kids then sure didn't understand that. That's what makes them kids. They're dumb about stuff. They're not supposed to understand adult stuff. They're not that old yet.

Parents give them all kinds of access to unfortunate internet content and all kinds of electronic equipment to access things with, all kinds of game boxes and games. What do people expect? Girls think it's smart to get into girl fights and post them on U-Tube where other girls seem them and want to be smart too. Kids are well known for no judgement. That's another thing that makes them kids.

When O'Reilly was a kid, all these things weren't available or even thought of by most people. Neighbors would tell kids to knock junk off and tell the parents, too. Schools had some teeth about discipline. No nobody does.

You know what people can do? Take the electronics away from kids. All they're doing is vegatating in front of them and getting into serious trouble because of them. I know it's easier to give them pcs and games than spend time with them, but parents are the only resource for preventing their kids from seeing and hearing Brittany Spears and the rappers who use the 'n' word. Kids think that's smart, too.

Parents can complain all they want, but what are they gonna do about it?

No, kids aren't dumber today than they used to be. Parents are.

But Brittany Spears is just another piece of the free market. Whatever sells is sold. She has been.

I keep saying they're not doing the free market right and everywhere I look, I see another part done wrong.

But I solved the PETA problem. A sudden bout of inspiration hit and I realized that if your put Rush, Ann Coulter and PETA in the same room, it'd still be a negative since 3 negatives are still a negative. Rush and Coulter would surely eat PETA so that's a double positive. I can always think of something. And it'd work.

All over Fox news programs anchors are saying negative things about Obama. Things they wouldn't tolerate people saying about Bush. They won't see it. I guess I can notice for them. I don't really mind that much. I do like communicating with Fox News, after all.

Thursday, January 29, 2009


I did read that the snaffle is the easiest bit. For the horse. The mildest. or Animal Crossings? Which to do. Which to do.

well, this is just lovely

There are apparently many kinds of snaffles as well as snaffle/curb bits, pelham, and something or other I forgot. And many more, I'm sure.

From the few pictures I saw, snaffle is in two pieces, joined in the center. So what's a curb? Maybe I should have googled it. Maybe I will. This is interesting, politics is not. A picture can tell a thousand lies, so I'll need to look further.

you'd think

I'd be having a fit. After all that Brittany Spears nasty, O'Reilly showed a clip of Beyonce's new video. You'd think I'd be screaming about degradation and corruption like Brittany's. But no! When I see Beyonce's moves, I see 'fuck you' and that I totally approve of. It is, however, for more mature audiences. Kids don't get the fine distinctions. It's the video that's well known for the u-tube of the guy dancing along with her. There's an Obama impersonator now doing the same thing that O'Reilly had on.

And since I'm on the subject, while it's really lovely that Obama's first bill to sign is for equal pay, where's the dog? Doesn't he know that that's what we're all (mostly meaning me) waiting for? Politics are stupid, dogs never are. Or is it, 'politics is'? Is this another search? Uh, not necessarily.

But I do have to look up bits. I may have mis-named the snaffle. It might have been a curb I was thinking of. I really don't know.

Reminder: Never believe any of my details, especially if they're in the spelling.

and oh, ya

Speaking of tyranical ideologues, there's David Attenburough and John Updike.

Neither do I view as tyranical or ideological. I wouldn't know if they are.

I think it's John Updyke who just died. Apparently, Norman Mailer, another well known American author I haven't read, haven't read Updyke either, said that Updyke is a writer for readers who don't know anything about writing. Christ. That'd make me buy and read Updyke and never buy or read Mailor. Or talk nice about him.

I read that Christian fundamentalists send Attenburough hate mail saing things like, 'I hope you burn in Hell, and good riddance to you.' How the hell can they call themselves Christians? See what pure ideology does to people? Every soul, including Hitler and Sadam, lost to God is a tragegy. All Christians should feel pain at the loss. All Christians are commanded to love their enemies. Christians make themselves the enemy of God with this kind of shit. God says to believe and follow me or not. It's your choice. I'm always here for you. You decide. Christians are the biggest idiots on the planet. Along with other ideological religious cretins and PETA. Or anybody I don't like.


I sure have had a lot of thoughts lately and no questions at all.

I haven't wanted to write a lot about race, but what the hell is:

"when black doesn't have to give back", and
"when white does right" mean? Oh, I guess that is a question. Who freed the slaves? Who ended segregation? Who employes lots and lots of blacks and other races? Who educates and gives medical care and insures, etc, etc, etc, other races? No white person has done anything right for races and race. No black has any civic duty. Ok, I see. As soon as blacks have compassion for my white life, I'll be impressed. Then I'll care again. Maybe. If I feel like it. They teach anti-white to themselves. It doesn't take me to do it. I'm simply uninterested in carring around the blame and guilt for the past. It gets everyone nowhere.

So no race talk from me. Maybe.

No cursive? Some idiot youth, smug in his owness, claims his education was full of computer skills, so now nobody needs to learn cursive writing. What we really need is generations of people dependent on electronics. Just fabulous. Nobody knowing anything the computer can't tell them. Aren't there audial computers for the blind? Nobody needs to learn how to read anymore either. We can just scan in med bottles to hear what they are. Unless the power's out. Or the pc breaks. Or people can't afford to buy equipment in the first place. I can afford a book. I can't afford a computer. The young are often smugly stupid.

I totally recommend, "Animals Make Us Human." I even learned something about cats and I didn't want to. Now I'm on the horse chapter and looking forward to chickens.

And PETA doesn't know anything about animals. Trust me. They don't. This means they don't love them at all. They love their politics and sex. They made a comercial for the Superbowl with women being sexy with vegetables. Everybody knows that this isn't appropriate for daytime/family viewing hours. Who are they trying to kid. The Central Park carriage horses aren't suffering. A suffering horse couldn't be trusted to pull. Animals enjoy their activities when trained and treated correctly. PETA wants to bore animals to death. Animal rights activists often put their dogs and cats on vegan diets for the sake of their own politics apparently not knowing that those two species are carnivores biologically.

Wonder if they expect animals in the wild to go veggie? Why don't they just go picket the forest. That's a suggestion, not a question.

Animals need proper, better care in homes as well as factory farming facilities. That's clear and true. PETA wants to impose vegitarianism on everyone. They're tyranical idealoges. I've proven over and over that ideology is bad. Doesn't matter where you see it. It always doesn't work. I saw a clip of the girl I see on news shows saying 'don't piss off PETA.' They're known for violent, illegal activities. They don't know what ethics are. Or animals.

Then then there's Brittany Spears. I think she just doesn't get it. Or that that's all she is. They were talking about her new song that sounds like 'fuck me' in code, trying to slide by the censorship stuff. But then someone said that dancing and pictures aren't the same as saying the words. Well, I so disagree. If Spears' dancing is a visual 'fuck me', then I don't know what is. Many people dance and I don't get a 'f-m' from it at all. I kinda think that her attitudes about this stuff is what lead to her recent troubles. I think she doens't get where it all leads for her and where it leads others. Not a lot of parents want their 10, or 15 or whatever age kids acting out 'fuck mes'. I could be wrong about this. I don't really think so. I really think that that's she has, though. I feel sorta sad for her cause I think that that's all she has and all she is, but strongly dislike the kind of power she has. Parents really have to be on top of this stuff and just refuse to let their kids participate in negative activities. If they won't, or say they can't, I really have nothing else to say about it. They buy Spears' music and let their kids see her and other things, their kid's behaivors are their fault.

And I do think it is entertainment's job to protect kids from themselves. How we learn is by copying what we see and hear. It's everybody's job, really. As long as we live for Capitalism (is that the 'o' or the 'a' one? beats me), this is what we'll live with. The Free Market isn't so free for some and too free for others. I keep telling ya, they're doing the free market wrong.

Monday, January 26, 2009

and I forgot

earlier when I was thinking about 'Beauty
Shop" that Kevin Bacon and Andie McDowel (sp) are in it, too. I think it's Beauty Shop, it's the Queen Latifa movie.

And I did see 'Field of Dream.' And liked it. I liked 'Dances with Wolves.' I liked the part of 'Beauty Shop' I saw. I like many things. I don't, however, pay attention. And I've decided to call this memory of mine The Newton Syndrom. It took me 2 or 3 months to remember Wayne Newton's name and I know that one, too. This is not a scientific statement.

Animals Make Us Human is excellent. I really recommend it. I'm now on the cat chapter and am learning many things I've never thought about. Cats don't have facial expression or read faces like dogs do. They're closer to their wild cousins than other domesticated animals. Cats can live ferally, and dogs can't. They can't be trained with negative reinforcement, only positive, and I think that's mostly food rewards. They're not unsocial - I already believed that. My cats are always glad to see me when I get home. My cat now often sleeps in the same room with the dog and me.

The Ilinois governor, Blog something, was just on The View. I found it beneficial to blog instead? Whatever. I didn't want to pay attention. Listening often drives me crazy.

And the press is killing Kaylee Anthony's grandfather. Is there any reason they have to be parked out his house all the time? Oh, ya. Money for news stories. Everything's a business. The news didn't used to have to make money. The stations carried it for public interest. Now there's so much competition they need celebrity anchors and big advertisers. So they harass people to death. Just like the tabloids do. That man is probably going over every detail of the little girl's death, with the added bonus of each new piece of evidence he can add to the picture. Everything he can remember from his daughter's birth, his granddaughter's birth, sewing around in pain. But the public needs to know. They need to see him take out his trash. It's news. Important news. Unlike his life which is another story up for grabs.

the deal is

I can't remember names. Without the internet, it'd be impossible to look them up. Several actors, writers, and movie titles came up for me this weekend. I couldn't remember Della Reese's name, and I've known her forever. I watched part of a movie, the name of which just escapes me, of course, with Queen Latifa and Alicia Silverstone, and Sheri Sheppard and others, Beautyshop maybe, and couldn't remember Alicia's last name for sure and Della Reece's name at all. But I could remember Touched by an Angel and Cluesess so could look them up.

An actor last week mentioned Mamet and I didn't know if I'd seen anything he'd done or not. The actor, another one everybody knows and I can't remember his name, played the husband in Fargo and I loved that movie and is also married to an actor on Desperate Housewives you all know who's name is slipping around Huffman? One of them? Maybe?

Mamet, it turns out, has several movies as well as plays, and yes, I've seen a couple. He also has a fabulous title, Speed the Plow, which I don't know. Haven't seen any plays for years and never have tried to keep up with theater or movies. Mamet did Wag the Dog, another good title, but angry somehow. I saw 2 Mamet movies, Glengary, Glen Ross and The Verdict. Not that I remember them much. That's not the point, however. The point is that the internet gives me a way to look up verb agreement.

It's not enough. It's not good enough. It's not for a real education. Any site can be totally wrong. It doesn't teach.

Send kids to the library and make them learn how to do research. Teach them to read maps and do long division by hand. Fox Friends on Sunday were talking about cursive and handwriting being phased out with the computer ease and usage. This is so wrong. People should always learn how to do things.

But really, that assumes that people will all have computers and always have access to them. And that they were phasing out handwriting for second graders. I wonder how good second graders are at typing. People learn things they have to do. Kid's will learn the alphabet by writing it over and over. How many times do people just want to jot a note, add to a running list. Does everyone really want to keep their shopping list online or in the pc? It can awkard and cumbersome. Of course there's all the handheld thingies. Do second graders have them? Do people loose them? It's so wrong to limit skills like that. And what about filling in forms? Not many people handwrite for a living, but many people use a pen or pencil here and there for personal and work needs.

Electronics can't be the core of a sensible life. Kids already aren't learning how to do things and what things are.

Saturday, January 24, 2009

2 questions

And two possible answers. A very productive result.

Media - singular or plural? Plural, however switching over to being used as a singular noun. "Media is the Third Estate". NOT, "Media are the Third Estate." Even though, TV, newspapers and television are all media. TV is an established medium. Media is, not media are. The same apparently goes for data. Data, plural of datum.

Bit flipping. Seems to be more tongue flipping. Horses slip their tongues under the bit. Several remedies were recommended, however no one mentioned horses running away after doing this. Maybe my friend's horse was a special case. There are likely training solutions for this.

Now what am I gonna look up?

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Fran Drescher

I wonder if Fran Dresher knows about participles. You never know what people know. Marryann on Gillian's Island, apparently, was a chemestry major before switching to theatre. Teri Hatcher is a big math brain. Like a college major math brain type math brain. She might know about participles, too.

They might not. Not all writers know about grammar that much. It's not necessary as long as people can write clearly. Remembering the parts of speach is unnecessary. I just like grammar. Some writers may not. Many people dislike English like I dislike history. Many dislike math. There's a foundation everyone needs to function in society. But some people may go into truck driving. And that's fine.

People want a better life. It's education. Everybody needs the fundamentals. Culture is part of the fundament.

Huckabee says that Republicans like culture/music and doesn't know why people think they don't. Republicans don't like taxes. Taxes pay for culture in schools. They cut school support and culture and p.e. gets dropped. People pay for things they like. People pay for Madona tickets. They don't pay for teachers. Madona's rich. Our education is poor. Kids have a hard time getting the fundamentals.

Republicans don't like grammar.

oh, ya

I believe David Gergan about politics. Isn't he an historian? I'm pretty sure I saw him on C-SPAN history programs. He always makes sense to me. I don't trust the politicians about politics. Or, rather, I don't necessarily believe what they say. They're obvious partisians and it's their job. They're supposed to be partisians. That's their job. They're elected to represent their party's ideas for their constituancy. As much as possible. I guess.

Let's see. Obama promises transparency, yet has several policy meetings scheduled that are closed to the press. Economy and foreign policy. Does it really make sense to tell the press everything all the time? What does transparancy mean to Obama? What does it mean to the press? This is from Anderson Cooper's show.

It's always important to define your terms and clearly establish perameters.

How helpful is it for anyone to know how those meetings go? If the press were there, would they do their normal meeting stuff in order to get stuff done? Would they be conscious of the eyes of the world on them and just place nice guys, or posture for the public or something?

I'm not sure what the reporter meant exactly, except he connected those two things - transparency and closed meetings.

Don't governments have state secrets and stuff? Don't people yell and bitch and snore and stuff that isn't part of public behaivor in meetings?

That's how celebrities live. Eyes and notebooks always pointed at them. Everybody needs privacy to function.

Ah. People are pissed that they didn't hear about something that happend in December until January. Should they have heard earlier? It's the IRS nominee guy, I think. 3 or 4 weeks is too long to wait? They knew before the appointment. People have to know, do, have everything right away. No patience. I hear Americans have no patience.

If you tell people there's a problem, they go to town analyzing it without any information. It's a lot of guesses. If you have the information, they can debate that instead of assumptions and personal interpretations. Or at least fewer of them. We're doing that with Carolyn Kennedy right now. We don't if she pulled out of the senate thing or not yet but are discussing her reasons and what it means and stuff. It's probably the 24 hour news cycle or something. The push for news.

But some people may be sure there's a cover-up by delaying the release of information about the appointee guy. How would I know one way or another? It's always who do you trust with politics. And what are you willing to believe to get what you want. It's hard. Often.

So I don't believe politicians much and just hate politics. It really does work for me.

oh, ya

That's all about the appearance of improperiety. People are going to say that Carolyn Kennedy got in because Obama pressured the New York governor whether that happened or not.

I never really know who or what to believe about politics. I find it simpler to hate it. And more effective in some way. I don't understand this anymore than I ever understand anything.

New York

huh...guess Carolyn Kennedy left the senate bid. Sounds like a weird situtation. The governor should pick who's best for the state. The whole state.

He shouldn't pick someone good for the party over someone better for the state. He shouldn't pick one who helped Obama over the state. But that's a great big tough one and I don't know who to pick at all. I'm not very close to New York and don't know what's going on there. I'm usually largely uninformed on what's going on in my state.

But isn't that what we do in life? Help each other? Kennedy's helped Obama, Obama helps Kennedys, cause that's what friends do. Politics makes it tricky and murky and often ugly.

It's a tough call for the governor considering the players. Any of them have potential to be good for New York, but would it interpreted so?

People would probably say, 'See? You picked him or her and the other would have done this or that and we'd be better off.' Or, they'd say, "See? We lost the election because of your choice." Or any number of interpretive notions.

And anyone chosen can theoretically end up in prison. We never know the future and never know a hypothetical.

Anyone chosen might be great for their state and lousy nationally. Bush and Palin are great for their states. But nationally and internationally? Well, that's highly debatable.

You just have to take a chance on someone, and you can't control the future or the fall out or anything else. And you never know. It's the mystery of life.

It's what Dr. Phil always says. All you can do is make a decision, and if it doesn't work out, all you can do then is make a new decision and keep going forward. (highly paraphrased and likey inacurate, but essentially the point)

Nancy is on Larry King. I don't know if she might know about participles or not. I don't know her background and wouldn't think to ask her.

Yes, I do know I can ask google. I'm trying to avoid that cause I don't want to. See? no nap = cranky.


Is there a song in an old movie with genunds and gerundives in the lyrics? I keep thinking there might be. Somebody at school must have mentioned them, or I don't think I'd have remembered the word so well. I might look up gerundives again. After my nap.


How does anyone respect Thomas Jefferson considering his personal life? I don't know how exactly. What he wrote and did within all the details of the rest of his like, laid the groundwork for freeing the slaves and giving women the vote and other legal status. I'm not sure how I can hate him either. He was a product of his time and place just like everyone is, and with as many human falibalities as everyone has. Let he who is without sin, I guess. And I still think it's possible that he and Sally had a good relationship, that they cared about each other. It lasted a long time and he never sold her and had no reputation of womanizing that I know of. But I do know that everyone should see 'l776'. It's a brilliant musical and might spark kids to history. If it's wrong about stuff, teachers can explain things.

On with the show. All the world's a stage, I hear.

oh, ya

"Onward Christian Soldiers" is Job Daughters. It's a secret, prostestant girls organization for the daughters of Masons. I belonged for a couple of years and don't see what's so secret about it. Not only is there nothing to keep secret especially, it's boring. I can't tell you the connection between the song and the club because that would be a secret. I think the Bible says something about Christians should not belong to secret oranizations, but I'm not sure. They exclude Catholics, and of course, all non-Christian peoples. What's the secret? Beats me. I could never find one. There's a group for boys, too, Demolay, I think. Are they racists? I would think so since the kids have to be related to Mason's and I'm almost positive the Mason's don't, or didn't, allow non-whites. Oh, my Dad was a Mason. Very proud of his membership, but didn't ever attend or participate in my lifetime. So again, I didn't know or notice. Subtilities sometimes have to be explained and pointed out to people. Like participles. Not that there's any connection between 'Onward Christian Soldiers' and Job's Daughters. Necessarily.

oh, no

Another Dad story. He also, along with Stockard Channing and Bing Crosby, he hated Sigorny Weaver. I think, I'm struggling to recall, it was something about her father. It was probably something political about him. He also hated George Hamilton for getting out of Vietnam. Then my brother got closer to draft age and Dad planed to send him to Canada. People are strange. Dad was a musician, professional and part of the union. A reactionary republican, he worked for McCarthy in the 50s. I've never been able to put all this together quite. A determined, right-wing Christian, abandoned 4 children essentally, not totally, the first two a two year old and a newborn.

I think he was neurotic. I told Pete, the oldest of Dad's kids, that I'd always thought of them as the lucky ones. He wasn't, however, a racist. My brother had a black friend, there weren't a lot of various races in the area then, and Dad had no problem with Rad. He came over a lot, and they did guy stuff. Dad was afraid of all the crime he saw on the news and was so scared that a black robber would break in that he started sleeping in his chair with a gun everynight. For years. He didn't talk about race. I didn't have an opinion or attitude about it at all. I didn't think about it till I started hearing about elsewhere. Mother, of course, didn't discuss such things. I think she was a racist. She looked sick when she heard that a black family had moved next door. My parents really surprised me. They hit me from behind. I always did hate politics. Dad yelled about it all the time. The black neighbors and my mother? That happened a year or so before she died. I had no idea.

My brother and I played with the Mexican kids down the street for years and nobody ever said anything racial. Mom used to chat with their mom all the time in the front yard. So, see? I never understand anything.

I bet

Peggy Noonan knows about participles. See? It's always helpful to know people. I just saw her interviewed on Today. She doesn't think Obama was Bush-bashing in his speach. Carl Rove thinks Obama was overreaching somehow I forget what he said by using the Lincoln Bible instead of his family Bible. Live is interpreted. I don't know what Obama was thinking when he chose that Bible. What's wrong with honoring a Republican? I guess I just quit, then. Or not. hahahahaha ....just remember to duck?

McCain's daughter looks pissed about something. I'll have to think about that. I saw her this morning on Fox and Friends, I think it was. I couldn't tell what she might be mad about, however. She came in and left the interview that way. It's probably politics. That's what it does to people. It happens to me every day.

don't know

who's singing Amazing Grace (yes, if I'd pay attention, I'd know these things), but he's got a great voice, nice band, too. Some of these things are so moving. I don't like, "Onward Christian Soldiers" so much no matter how familiar I am with it.

Geeze, some Muslims think this service is vulgar and an agony to pious people. Think they exagerate some? A woman with a head scarf gave a reading. I don't know if she's Muslim, but would she be at risk to be see there then? I don't quite understand why anybody thinks they have the right and duty to kill those who differ. Christians have been, and can be the same, I know. I don't think it's the religion so much as human nature. Everybody knows how to use beliefs and ideas to operate, some abuse that ability.

That's what bothers me about turning the government into an extention of the Church. The Christian activists already haven't been honest about things. And religion, like law, is interpreted. And interpreted differntly.

Look at the pologimasts who claim their religious practices are being interfeared with. They don't live in ancient Jewish times, they aren't ancient Jewish kings and leaders. Christians follow New Testament laws - what Jesus says goes. He mentions the 10 commandments, so those apply. He said render unto Cesar, so follow the laws of the land, pay your taxes. Follow Jesus, not Abraham and David. He never said to run the government or the world. Run your own lives as believers.

I don't think God ever said to have lots of wives anywhere, ever. Maybe we should all be like Noah and build arks and collect pairs of animals or something. Just in case.

And I think it was Paul who talked about marriage. Didn't Jesus attend a wedding and perform a miracle? Nobody has to be either single or married. I think all Paul said about it was to get married if you have to, but it's better not to. From what I understand, Paul was expecting Jesus' return any minute and thought it was unnecessary to marry and probably a waste of time, but he didn't exactly object to marriage.


They're at the National Cathedal this morning. This is the best church music I've heard in a long time. I love choirs. Beautiful stuff. And the kids choir is hot...great arrangement of 'you're got the whole world in your hands' song. I don't know a couple of the songs they've sung, but it's a great sound. A Greek Orthadox paster gave a prayer. I don't know much about them, how they're different from the Catholic Church, or is it The Catholic Church. I could probably find out. All I know is that they split off Rome a long time ago.

I met a Greek Orthadox woman, but I didn't know quite what to ask. We were talking about Christmas anyway. Yes, I know. Back to google.

sorry about this.

Really, I am, but more clothes.

Nobody mentioned Jill Biden's gown. Gorgeous. One of my top all time gowns and my top two favorites of the night. The other is Megan (I don't remember how she spells her name)Kelly of Fox News.

I'm not cutting edge, or risky or slightly advanced about clothes. That's my taste.

I know I said I was off strapless gowns, but Mrs. Biden look terrific. Much more Audrey Hepburn than the Red Carpet gowns I see. I think it's largely a bodice problem. I find them too tight and too little of them quiet often. They don't flatter every type of figure.

See? Old fashoned and traditional. That's what I like to see, but I wouldn't wear any of them in a million years.

If it were me, I'd have been done after the oath and speach yesterday and gone home. No parades, no lunches, no more speaches, no balls -not even one - it'd be 'thanks, and see ya.'

I don't know how people survive all this activity. I'm very happy to follow along on tv at home, however.

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

more clothes, sadly

Star Jones just said Michele Obama looks magnificant.

Eyes of love.

How people talk about her clothes are probably gonna depend on their political affiliations. Clothes are an opportunity to pick away at your opponents.

Nancy Regan got nailed for her free clothes. Probably by the left. The right probably supported her. I'm guessing here cause I don't know who said what exactly.

Hilary gets nailed by the right for her clothes. See? The clothes aren't really important. It's what people can do with them politically. And Michele Obama does look really nice in an iffy dress. She can carry this stuff off with her stature and confidence and grace. I may not always like her clothes, but I don't have to wear them, either.

and now

We have verb aspects and ambitransitive verbs. The second involves spelling. Maybe I should get out before I get more behinder. 'read' is ambitransitive. The spelling doesn't change for transitive and intransitive usage. That's from a petty good site. Lots of links to mysterious language parts.

They were talking about Michele Obama's clothes. I have a kinda strange reaction to them. She has a striking, unique style, but I don't exactly like her clothes. I can't say there's something exactly wrong or bad about them exactly. though. I don't think they're ugly. Maybe they're bold. They're differnt. They look good on her. I have an odd reaction to them is all. I did like her outfit this afternoon better than the white gown tonight. But she looked good. I really liked her youngest's orange outfit best. Great color and very cute, I though. The older's was more sedate, traditional. Very nice, but no pop. I think Michele Obama dresses in a way I haven't seen before. Do the clothes really matter? They're interesting, but not really important. In fact, it may be good that they're interesting. Most of the time the clothes are pretty standard and boring. Nice, but nothing to bother looking at. At the same time, designer clothes aren't necessarily good style. I'm sure she'll hear about it. Most of them do. Except maybe Laura Bush didn't. I wonder if that's true. Did she ever get criticized for her clothes? I can't remember anybody ever talking her down about anything. Did any other first lady get by so easily? What an interesting question. Maybe Martha Washington. I don't know if anybody talked about her or not. Michele Obama does look good in the white dress, there's just something about it, the sholder strap's too wide, there's bumps all over it and I can't tell what they are. But they're distracting.

I could really like the Obama's. Until the politics get started, I suppose. I really hate politics. Ya, it's the shoulder strap. It's too big and dominates the eye.

So now what do you want to talk about? I'm about done with clothes.

O'Reilly's getting smug again.

I'll have to think of something. He said the secular progressives must be disappointed that Obama mentions God cause they're all hoping to get God out of the universe or something, but he mentions Him.

I don't know that that would be true, that all progressives or even all secuarists want God unmentioned. Some people just don't want to be bluggeoned by Christ. Some may think state and religion should be seperate, but not that people in government shoud have no religion.

But I'll think of something for O'Reilly. It's kinda like a hobby. I really enjoy communicating with Fox News.

hahahaha...I'm sure he's scared now! hahahahaha

O'Reilly's on

He looks really tired. But still has a good attitude. I never do when I don't get enough sleep. I get cranky as hell. I also drop things, break things, and walk into walls more often than usual.

I tried the stupid participles again but got nowhere. I'm done with that. Or I need a participles for dummies site.

My books got here already. Did I say the animal book was called, 'Why We Hunt?" It's not. It's called, "Animals Make Us Human," by Temple Grandin. I think the NorCal Cazadora post was talking about why we hunt. Maybe. I don't feel like checking.

They're questioning people's enthusiam for Obama. People were just as excited about Bush. No matter what he said. Griff Jenkins said the crowd would be just as excited if he read a can label or words to that effect cause that's just about what his speach at the Neighborhood Ball was. Are those fighting words? I may not have had a nap today, but I am still awake. Bring it on?, in the infamours words of someone or other.