Monday, September 22, 2008

Guess what starts tonight?

That's right, no mystery. Dancing with the Stars.

There's several people on it I already like. Several I don't know.

Julianne's up with a stranger to me. He's some young guy I don't know who he is or what he does. Too young to be interesting.

Same judges. Very excellent. Same hosts. Excellent, too. Guess he danced ok...gots potential.

You know I'm waiting for Chloris Leachman and Susan Lucci. (sp? as usual)

All sixes for the first couple. Not too bad at all for the first day.

Rocko's up. I've seen him a bit on cooking shows and always liked him. He's not so bad, needs to smooth out some. Probably not a brilliant dancer, but a solid effort for the first time. Bruno's not impressed with technique, but good effort. Carryanne says it was cute and generally positive. Len, needs finess, but he's not too mean about it. Rocko really did pretty good. 2 fives and Len, a 4. Not total disaster. Hope he's saved. A good guy.

Stranger up next.

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