Monday, September 22, 2008

Kim got

2 6s and a 7. I thought she did pretty good. I like her. Like her show and her family. That stuff carries over from one product to the next. I lost my last post, lost connection. That's been happening a lot lately. What I said I've no idea, and you probably are saved from having to slog through it.

Susan's doing good. Throughing that attitude into the mix. Looks like good feet to me. Just needs more dance practice and she'd be totally sharp. But they all need more practice, don't they. She just needs to lube up a bit and relax. That's such a scary thing to do it's not surprising people are self-conscious. I vote for her, too. And Ted. And Kim. I vote for all my favorites. Lots and lots of times. Judges say, 3 5s. I thought she was a bit better than that. Just needs to relax. She knows how to act, just act it out and forget the self.

I watched All My Children when it first started for several years. Her character was not very nice, very needy and took what she thought would work for her. It never seemed to. She was married to someone who was really meant for Mary - the two later married in real life. Then there was Tara and Phillip. They married each other in a cave all alone. Did she then get pregnant? Oops. Was it Luke and Laura later, or is that another show? Haven't watched soaps for a long time now. Never saw Kellp Rippa in Children, so I'd quit before she started, I guess.

Volleyball champ, Misty's up now. Don't know her, either. Athletes have to overcome their training and move differently and it's not so easy sometimes. She looks pretty good. A little wobbly, but good effort and some good moves.

But the judges far so good. A couple of suggestions. Glad I don't have to, or can't even, vote. What a problem to pick. 6, 7, and an 8. Pretty good score.

I missed it again. Warren? Another athlete? Football player, I think. Pretty darned ood. Has natural moves that brings it alive and his body bends around pretty good. I'd say he's got lots of potential. Lot of character in his dancing. Appealing. him, fun and joy on the dance floor. 3 7s.

Show's over. I hate tomorrow. Elimination. But there's 3rd night this time. Another elimination. I really hate this whole week.

And why is this show on till 10:01? It's the weirdest tv time I've ever seen.

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