Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Aaretha sings again

and Christie danced with Mark. Don't remember bringing back stars for these spots, before, but they may have.

They're just getting to the elimination. I almost forgot what tonight was about.

Lance is saved. Brooke is saved. Warren and Cody in the bottom 2. Is next week the last one? 3 couples in the finals, 2 eliminated, or one winner? Beats me. Stay tuned and I'll find out, I guess. Show's almost over. don't they usually start the eliminations earlier? Changes for less dancers, maybe. Or a creative production staff or something.

Cody's eliminated. That's what Len said last night, isn't it. Guess it figured, but he probably does have a lot of fans.

Next week, then. And I didn't even cheat and look for the review before the show was over.

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