Monday, November 17, 2008

I'm doing good

On the staying awake part. I never know how it'll play out, but a nap is good insurance against sleep. Which, but they way, I got my insurance, first half, mailed. Second half to follow, but is it next month or the month after that it's due? Funny I can't remember.

Warren's up doing a swing type and fun to watch as usual. He's got just a ton of positive personality.

Len, really sells it
Bruno, didn't like it so much?
Carryann - likes it

I don't get what Bruno said somehow.

I'd vote for Warren if I could vote which I can't

2 8s and a 9.

Actually, tonight I'd vote for all of them. But I guess Warren's really my new favorite even though I'm liking them all. There's a lot to be said for the entertainment value. Jackie Gleason used to do little gigs and was always a lot of fun and he was no pro dancer. Although I think he had a stage background maybe even vaudaville.

Lance is up again, with the swing thing. Jitterbug? probably. Not so impressed, but still pretty good. Did he lose a shoe?

Bruno - brilliant...well referenced, a joy
Carryann - agrees, magic.
Len, second fabulous dance.

Why wasn't I so impressed? Think it's because I was typing about Jackie Gleason and not really watching.

2 10s and a 9. Definately his best scores and best dances ever.

And it's over.

Lance is the top scorer tonight. First time it wasn't Brooke who's tied for second. But's up to fans and I guess we'll find out soon enough.

At least it isn't like this last presidential race that went on for years. Good news at last.

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