Tuesday, January 20, 2009


I have a tape. Aaron Copland,1900-1990, Applachian Spring, later than Cather, I believe, although I didn't look her up. He really reminds me of her for some reason.

Poetry reading. Another prayer.

You know, somebody, Laura sometimes hoasts O'Reilly's show was talking about our Christian founders and how people are mad about Rick Warren's praying there at all and how people complain that Christians pray in Jesus' name, was saying that she hoped people didn't about the Almighty and stuff.

Thing is, the more they say it's a Christian country, founded on Christian principles, the more people will believe it and think it's true whether or not it is. Justifies pushing Christian legislation. We can live Christian lives outside of Christian territories. It was never supposed to be a political movement. In fact, that's what we're supposed to do. Live Christian lives if we're Christian. I don't think we're supposed to force others to do the same. Don't think Jesus said so.

This how Christain my family was. My father said grace twice a year, Christmas and Thanksgiving, and Bible thumped occasionally, the Corinthians verse about kids obeying their parents, they're commanded to.

My mother took me to church a couple of times when I was very young, then sent me with others a few times and stayed home herself. She later in life watched The Crystal Cathedral on tv.

Neither read or talked about the Bible. Didn't mention God except for 'God Damn it!' to or about whatever. That was a pretty typical Christian life then. Or people went to church and didn't talk about it. Things changed. People assumed they were Christian. We didn't get baptised. Now there's God talk everywhere.

But no, we're not a Christian country per se.

The Bushs are leaving. What a scary thing the Obamas are starting. Just relax, have fun, enjoy it all, don't worry, deal as it comes, expect nothing, just do and don't think too much about stuff. Bush had a lot of experience with the White House and Washington cause of Bush sr.

Bush is flying off now. Wonder where the dogs are.

So where was I going with the religion thing? Your guess may be better than mine. I think the push started sometime in the late 70s, early 80s with the rise of the fundamentalists. Think it was basically to combate the 60s and 70s sex, drugs, rock and roll and the hippies. That happened before in the Roaring 20s to fight the flappers. Things seem to work that way. When most people are on an even keel, religion is dormant. People get radical, religion moves into prominance. Maybe. I'm just making stuff up now.

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