Saturday, January 31, 2009

Poor O'Reilly

He just can't get that kids today are no stupider than when he was a kid. He's fighting it. All the sex and violence kids see have shapped their beliefs and behaivors. Most recenly, girls at a Georgia highschool got in trouble for a routine at a game cause they did some lap-dancing stuff.

When O'Reilly was a kid, who in the world ever heard of lap-dancing? What makes him think that kids today understand that putting naked, sexy pictures of themselves will cause them trouble 15 years from now? Kids then sure didn't understand that. That's what makes them kids. They're dumb about stuff. They're not supposed to understand adult stuff. They're not that old yet.

Parents give them all kinds of access to unfortunate internet content and all kinds of electronic equipment to access things with, all kinds of game boxes and games. What do people expect? Girls think it's smart to get into girl fights and post them on U-Tube where other girls seem them and want to be smart too. Kids are well known for no judgement. That's another thing that makes them kids.

When O'Reilly was a kid, all these things weren't available or even thought of by most people. Neighbors would tell kids to knock junk off and tell the parents, too. Schools had some teeth about discipline. No nobody does.

You know what people can do? Take the electronics away from kids. All they're doing is vegatating in front of them and getting into serious trouble because of them. I know it's easier to give them pcs and games than spend time with them, but parents are the only resource for preventing their kids from seeing and hearing Brittany Spears and the rappers who use the 'n' word. Kids think that's smart, too.

Parents can complain all they want, but what are they gonna do about it?

No, kids aren't dumber today than they used to be. Parents are.

But Brittany Spears is just another piece of the free market. Whatever sells is sold. She has been.

I keep saying they're not doing the free market right and everywhere I look, I see another part done wrong.

But I solved the PETA problem. A sudden bout of inspiration hit and I realized that if your put Rush, Ann Coulter and PETA in the same room, it'd still be a negative since 3 negatives are still a negative. Rush and Coulter would surely eat PETA so that's a double positive. I can always think of something. And it'd work.

All over Fox news programs anchors are saying negative things about Obama. Things they wouldn't tolerate people saying about Bush. They won't see it. I guess I can notice for them. I don't really mind that much. I do like communicating with Fox News, after all.

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