Saturday, January 17, 2009

So, the Obama dog thing?

It's partly a gender difference, isn't it. Boys would be more interested in rowdy, rough-housing play. Girls tend to want a dog to hug and kiss, maybe dress-up, brush a little bit, take gentle nature walks. Stubborn, independent dogs have their own agendas and often don't act like they love you. They have other things to do and do them. It takes time for people to learn about dog behaivor, and children aren't grown up enough to intellectualize things. But no kid likes to get knocked down and pushed around by dogs. It's very frustrating when dogs don't listen and harder for kids to cope. But dogs don't understand things like this. They just do dog things and we have to try to understand them. But girls like to play with dogs, too. If the dog starts bitting, even in play, when people run, that's a problem. It requires some training. Any dog can do that, not all will. Temperment, the pet and the person's. It really does matter.

What's the quote? Know thyself? Truisms are true things.

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