Wednesday, January 21, 2009

New York

huh...guess Carolyn Kennedy left the senate bid. Sounds like a weird situtation. The governor should pick who's best for the state. The whole state.

He shouldn't pick someone good for the party over someone better for the state. He shouldn't pick one who helped Obama over the state. But that's a great big tough one and I don't know who to pick at all. I'm not very close to New York and don't know what's going on there. I'm usually largely uninformed on what's going on in my state.

But isn't that what we do in life? Help each other? Kennedy's helped Obama, Obama helps Kennedys, cause that's what friends do. Politics makes it tricky and murky and often ugly.

It's a tough call for the governor considering the players. Any of them have potential to be good for New York, but would it interpreted so?

People would probably say, 'See? You picked him or her and the other would have done this or that and we'd be better off.' Or, they'd say, "See? We lost the election because of your choice." Or any number of interpretive notions.

And anyone chosen can theoretically end up in prison. We never know the future and never know a hypothetical.

Anyone chosen might be great for their state and lousy nationally. Bush and Palin are great for their states. But nationally and internationally? Well, that's highly debatable.

You just have to take a chance on someone, and you can't control the future or the fall out or anything else. And you never know. It's the mystery of life.

It's what Dr. Phil always says. All you can do is make a decision, and if it doesn't work out, all you can do then is make a new decision and keep going forward. (highly paraphrased and likey inacurate, but essentially the point)

Nancy is on Larry King. I don't know if she might know about participles or not. I don't know her background and wouldn't think to ask her.

Yes, I do know I can ask google. I'm trying to avoid that cause I don't want to. See? no nap = cranky.

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