Tuesday, January 20, 2009

well, this is intesting

My furnature is all over the place.

My pieces of furnature are all over the place.

English is fascenating. Spelling is not. Spelling is stupid.

What kind of phrase is 'pieces of furnature?'

There are adjectival, adverbial and prepositional phrases.

I can't tell what the subject/s of those two sentences are either.

This really is kinda fun.

I wonder if the subject of the second sentence is 'pieces.' It's not 'my are,' it's 'pieces are'. And yes, when do final punctuations go inside or outside the quotation marks. There are many things to forget in this world and I manage to forget most of them.

The subject of the first sentence is furnature, I think. What does that make 'my?' It's a pronoun used as....? I'm guessing adjective. Adverbs generally go with verbs and adjectives with nouns. Or is it a pronoun? 'My' should be a pronoun, it seems like a pronoun, but it might not be a pronoun.

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