Saturday, January 17, 2009

good stuff

Dogs 101. About presidential dogs. I heard the other day that there's no real hypoallergenic dogs. People can be allergic to dog saliva. They're gonna talk more about that. Also, one dog in the White House damaged a rug and it cost the tax payers 20 thousand dollars. See? This can be tricky.

The guy on the program said people can be allergic to any dog, and not react to some. It's the dander, not the hair, which I'd heard before. They need to test the daughter with different dogs to see if there's a problem or not. It's a tough one. It'll break the girls' hearts if they can't find a match. Whippets I hear are one breed with hair instead of fur so less dander. Huh. Interesting. Poodles, of course, I already knew. But the Labradoodle isn't as good for allergies since the lab half is allergenic. And Wheatons. I like Wheatons. But once again, terriers. And there's nothing wrong with terriers. It's a temperment clash.

So I ordered a couple of books. One is one I saw discussed on NorCal Cazadora. It's Why We Hunt, but there's some discussion on dogs which sounded very interesting. Something about dogs, in the author's opinion, needing parents and not pack leaders. The author's a PH.d in animal science and sets up slaughter houses so the animals aren't scared, keeping them relaxed and happy instead of stressed. Or something like that.

The other is a Jennifer Crusie that came out last year. Agnes and the Hitman. I haven't been reading so I didn't get it, but she's a favorite of mine. Really good writer. She's got another one, The Unfortunate Miss Fortunes, but I think the paranormal stuff puts me off some. It's really not my favorite, but if all goes well with this read, then I might persue it. She's got 2 writing partners on it and one, Anne Stuart, is another favorite. The third is someone I haven't read, but if Crusie likes her, then she's probably solid. Cruse was an English teacher and ABD on a writing doctorate in writing. Her other patner, Bob and of course I forgot his last name, Mayer? maybe (easy to check on a copy of the book) wrote another one with her that I really enjoyed, so I expect the usual good read with Agnes. Crusie, another funny one. Really, check her out. There's good stuff in romance fiction. There's just so much of it that it can be hard to find the kinds people like.

But now? It's back to Animal Crossings.

1 comment:

Holly Heyser said...

Thanks for the shout-out!

On allergies, I wonder how much can be mitigated by good hygeine and housekeeping. We have two-and-a-half cats in our house (two indoor, one outdoor who wanders in periodically), and we brush the cats regularly and vacuum frequently. Can't tell you how many people with cat allergies have come to our house and said, "Wow, that didn't bother me at all."

Interestingly enough, the reason we have to clean so much is that one of the cats is allergic to people. Sort of. She's just scared of strangers and dives under the bed when they show up. There, she inhales lots of dust, which makes her sick. So you don't find dust bunnies under the bed anymore...

Hope you enjoy that book!