Tuesday, January 20, 2009

participles, future perfect and Megan Kelly

Megan Kelly (I don't know how she spells her name, but I think it's different than that) from Fox News has the greatest gown on. It's a perfect green shade, too, if the color on my set is true. Her gown looks like a modified Greek style (nice earrings, too) which is perfect for the day. Greece, the cradle of civilization gave birth to democracy, didn't it? I think so. People shouldn't have mocked Obama's Greek colums. I remember stuff like that. But it's a very nice dress. Her style is always very tasteful.

So, I looked up future passive tense and all I got is future perfect, 'will be done tomorrow.' I think the 'will be' is passive voice.

Participles, are much more complex, therefore confusing.

baked beans. The verb baked used as an adjective.

Dangling, 'turning the corner, the view changed' no subject for the first part...' As I was turning the corner, the view changed' or something like that. There's another part, but the example is probably too long for me to get right.

I need to work on participles, cause I'm just not getting this so far. But they cause understanding problems. The example sentence had the horse reading the racing form instead of the man. Maybe this was the dangling one. I forget.

So I can't come up with an example of a gerundive even if they don't exist in English anyway.

Oh, passive. Will be done by Ted. Ted will do it. Passive, I think has to do with where the subject is, not exactly the verb? hahahaha...I'll have to go look it up again. It's been a long time and I probably just tried to memorize stuff for the test. No, the action of the very!!!!! I am VERY confused. I knew better than to look this one up. Now I have to know and I'm sorry.

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