Monday, March 24, 2008

Again and again.

Shannon Elizabeth and the quickstep. Very nice. Her partner's another favorite of mine. Derek, brother of I can't remember her name. Very fun routine, looked good. Bruno loved it, loved, loved, loved it. Carryann loved it. And Len? Likes the routine. Best routine so far.

Oh, boy. Kylie Minogue's singing tomorrow. She has not nice things to say about us here in the back 40. I'm surprised she'd lower herself to perform here. Maybe's it's money or something.

Jason the football player's up. Mombo. He did good last week, didn't he? Moves well, I think. This is a night of unknown music. He looks pretty good, but didn't like the routine all that much. It was fun, but seemed kinda light. The judges like him a lot. I don't know what's wrong with me. But they always see things I don't.

I like his partner, too. No way I'm trying to spell her name. There's only one or two pros I don't care for too much, and no, I'm not naming them. Unless I feel like it. Which I might. Or not.

But what I'm tired of is blogging. Not sure I'll maintain throughout the show. And I don't care.

Wow. Jason got 3 9s. Very good scores. And I just didn't see it at all. How good am I?

Marissa's up. Quickstep.

Looks good, but maybe not her style, exactly But she moves well and has lots of energy and enthusiasm. She does broadway and preforms well. Improved from last week say the judges. But some loss of footwork/timing. It's a hard dance. I'd vote for her.

(i catch many, many typos, believe it or not)

Marissa got all 7s. Decent scores.

But the judges scores don't atter all that much. It's all about fan base. Adam's p next. With Derek's sister, Julieann? I'll have to listen. Adam's doing better. He really put lots into this. And his partner's Julianne? With an 'e'? The judges say he's entertaining, but not exactly a mombo, but fun.

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