Monday, March 24, 2008

take tpp...

Monica-mombo. She's just a bit awkard, but obviously really working at it. It's gonna take a lot of of work for her to get a dancer's body.

Oh, good. Penn's up next with the quickstep.

Judges not thrilled with Monica, but very nice to her and supportive. Might have something to do with her tennis status. But she obvioulsy works hard at it and puts her all and very best into the performance. That always pleases the judges. I'd vote for her just because I like her. I'd vote for almost all of them.

Monica got the lowest score so far.

But now, my favorite. One of my favorites. I really like his partner, Kym. Kinda looks like he's dancing by the numers, counting all the steps, but haing fun, smiling, enthusiastic,energetic. Just very awkard, not smooth or elegant. Good music for the dance, AGAIN. Lovely. Penn should shut up and just listen to the judges. He runs his mouth way too much. I don't care if it is artistic temperment. it's stupid.

Pricilla and the mombo next.

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