Saturday, March 1, 2008

Why and why not.

Why Hillary over Obama? I think she'd be practical, has common sense. These are important qualities. Obama is gloriously idealistic, but that doesn't get the house cleaned and organized. Hilary'd get out the vaacuum if necessary.

It's foolish and naive to think she hasn't any experience running things. Just how involved was she with Bill's work. Pretty darned close to it, I think.

I just don't see much real advantage in Obama. It's possible he could learn and learn fast on the job. Bush did, didn't he? Well, no he didn't. Not much, anyway.

I'd be ok with McCain, but he's so proud of being a
Regan Republican that he scares me a bit. He's not a scary as most of the other Republicans, however. They are seriously frightening.

Huckabee. Nobody want's to talk about his religious politics. Now, that's extra scary. He thinks that the only laws we need are the 10 commandments. And that they have to be internalized to be effective. Well, I'd have to agree with that last part. But there are some problems with some of them.

The first commandment, for example. Exactly how and which God will be the officially 'no other gods before me' God? And will he legislate it? How to make them internal? Mandated church attendence? Which one? Legislated Sunday school and prayers and daily rectitation of the 10 in schools?

And what's he gonna do about coveting? Are we to inform on each other if we catch a whiff of covetetness in our neighbors? What's the penalty? Jail, fines, public flogging?

And how do they address torte law? Oh, we wouldn't need it cause we'd all be religious? The Bible never has worked to prevent all abuse and it never will. Doesn't matter how internalized it becomes.

What about all the non-christians? Will they be forced into Protestant Practice? See? He's scary. And a really nice guy. I like him. In church, not as head of state.

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