Monday, March 31, 2008

one or two to go.

I need to call the dr. There's bump thingie growing by the surgey spot. It hurts. My whole arm is starting to hurt more and more.

But I didn't need a nap today so I'm Wide Awake. Slept in till 8:30. Rare and precious. But I'm missing my favorite game shows. The orrigionals from the 50s or 60s. They run at 3 or 4 am and I haven't been awake then lately. It's a pisser. Oh, Kristie's tangoing. Terrific hair. The song matches her look...bird of paradise song, same for her costume and hair. Lovely. Good choices. She looks good, but I'm not loving this dance. Oh, I know. It's not a jive.

Len likes her. Carry Anne finds her one dimentional, she doesn't get emotion, great technique, but needs passion.

And yet she gets all 9s. See? Judges are a mystery.

Tonight the show ends at 9:36. Such interesting tv programing.

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