Monday, March 17, 2008

Guess what tonight is?

That's right. Dancing With the Stars night! The opening pro routine was brilliant. They are just so good. Nothing better than exciting dancing. Really.

Some stars I recognize and some I don't like usual. We'll see, if I stay awake, how my inclinations run. I did get a nap today. 10 minutes. It helps, but not a lot.

Penn's on. I've always liked him and his magic shows, too. He's doing pretty darned good. He's got a fun persoality, and it's a light, fun routine that suits him. And I like his partner a lot, too. Kim, I think, she partnered Jerry Springer. Very nice lady.
If he listens to the judges, he'll do well. Not great scores, but he's got lots of potential and can get much better. It's the first dance, after all.

Not great scores for Penn. But he took that and the criticism well. I'm pulling for him.

Next up: A football player? Are Dolphins football? Guess if I pay attention, I'll find out. He looks thin, not like a full back or
something like I know what I'm talking about. Jason something. Oh, my. He moves well. Pretty limber for a football player. Maybe some natural talent. The judges like him. He only got about 3 points more than Penn. I don't get the judging, I just like watching and seeing what they say.

Oh, my. There's an intenational heart-throb comming up. Never heard of him.

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