Monday, March 17, 2008

Next Star, please.

It's the men tonight, the women tomorrow. Christian(sp) something. Guess he's on Ugly Betty, Haven't seen the show. Seems like a nice guy. Not a dancer, but doing pretty good. It's always more fun to watch the not so dancers improve. Mario Lopez wasn't fun.

Next up some Adam guy I know I've seen before but don't rememer where or when (guess the phrase.)

Time to grocery shop. Crap. It's also a commercial which is why I'm thinking about that. It'll pass, like all thoughts.

I really want to go to sleep. That won't pass.

So Adam's got Juiliann. She's one f the very best dancers and other very nice lady. He's doing an almost credible job, too. Not bad at all, really. A little stiff. It's really hard to go into dancing cold like this.

Steve Guttenburg's next. Him I know even if I don't how to spell his name. Another 1/2 hour of the show. I may just give it up and go to sleep anyway.

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