Tuesday, June 3, 2008

Ace of Cakes

is on. The things they make are amazing. I have no artistic talent or ability whatsoever in any way. I might be able to stomp grapes.

It's hard to understand where those ideas come from. I don't have any. The structural stuff is especially astounding to me. I'm lucky to remember to plug something in.

They really are a kick and I enjoy them. It's an environment unique to me. I don't remember seeing this episode, but that doesn't mean I didn't.

It's been a monumental day. I should write it down. I got a haircut AND a long nap. I don't even know how long I slept, but it was yummy. An hour or more? Doesn't matter. And the Chinese. Did you know that sweet and sour sauce is good on everything. Especially fried won tons and fried rice of any variety. It's true.

Dad used to get Chinese sometimes and always had sweet and sour. It ended up on my fried rice somehow and is now a staple. I had some today. Still have the rice for tomorrow. I ate the one ton and fried shrimp first, naturally.

TV wasn't so bad today, either. I woke up 10 minutes before the end of NCIS and started it on OnDemand and turned it off. Not in the mood. I might have seen it already which doesn't matter in any way.

The haircut lady was weird on the phone but very nice when I was there. Must not be a phone person.
So glad that's over with.

Good day.

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