Monday, June 30, 2008

What a day

Yesterday. Church Day. All Day. All Mormon, too. Never did make it to mass. Knew I should have gone early, or Sat night and just didn't.

I missed a feast day, too.

I really like the Mormons. Apparently, there's 3 churches in the same Stake (Steak?) so activities in all 3 are announced to all memebers to attend as desired. They really understand the importance of fellowship and involvement and friendship. Met some very, very nice people and had COOKIES!!! Homemade, delicious cookies.

But it's 3 hours Sunday Morning, then an evening meeting at another Church. Too many hours for me. I sat out much of the time in the parking lot, uh...smoking. Yes. That's me. Smoking at church.

The Church and I will be having some theological issues. They also don't believe in the Trinity, a concept I find possible to believe, but they don't believe in many gods the way the Witnessness do which is a relief. I find it nonsensical to have to pray to 'Father God' just so there's no confusion to the gods as to who's being prayed to.

People tend to eschew things like the Trinity because they're intellectually incomprehensible to the human mind. People can't create a trinity or live a trinity, therefore, it's not possible. I find it very possible for God to live/create things people can't and can't really understand. But whatever.

It's going to be hard for me to sit still for an hour at a time. It's been so many years since I attended things, it's hard for me to go at all, so given the nice nap I had in the afternoon, I did well all day. Didn't bail(bale?) and head home.

The paper didn't come and I never called. So now I don't have the local entertainment events available. Forget trying to find out things on line. An endlessly futile exercise for me.

Shorts, however, are comming along magnificantly. Not much sewing yesterday given the extreme number of outside activities, but solid progress even with all the mistakes.

The only realy problem I gave myself was not to change the baste stich to a seam stich. I didn't fix it. Life goes on. With larger than desirable stich length. See? Cheerful attitude and everything. All from such a positive Sunday exposure.

The Dr today at 12:20. Next round of chemo starts then. I sure hope I'm doing this right since the drug got here last week and all. Have all my meds baggied up and in my purse. He wanted to check the count last time and I didn't take them or anything else I might have been taking which I wasn't taking anything else anyway but am now.

Lively sentence. Huh.

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