Thursday, October 23, 2008

did yoou know

That our Founding Fathers were East Coast intellectual elistists?

It's true. The only group they enfranchised to vote were white, land owning males. We were founded on snobery.

The uneducated were considered lacking common sense and mental finess and couldn't possibly be trusted to understand sophisticated political philosophy.

But that's why we have the electorial college. They had no confidence in us the people.

Also, States Rights were more important at the founding than it appears now. Everybody, mostly, resisted Federal control. So now, state laws effect the electorial college as well as everything else, capital punishment, for example, which is a state law.

I think one problem at the time was currency, so that was made federal. The colonies, maybe, all had different money and it was confusing. But I think the states had more individual power then than they do now.

The masses got the vote eventually, so the people perhaps understand better than the founders could imagine.

These details, as always, may be completely incorrect.

I didn't find my war horse information, but read many interesting other things. Like after Rome fell, horse breeding took a nose dive. There were a couple of pockets which continued the Roman ways, in Spain and France.

Spain became the center of the best horses in the middle ages and many turned to them for stock. France, also, under the Merivinginian (whatever) dynasty, maintained good breeding practices. But it also mentioned Scandinavia, I think. But I forgot what about.

Horses then were classified by work and not breed. Were they good for speed, confort, draft, battles, etc.

Very interesting things to know and think about.

And the town in Slovenia the Lipizzaners come from is near the Italian border and the country was part of Yugoslavia. I really do need a map AND and atlas. And an atlas of ancient times. And a history book about them. Or two. It's hard to research without books. Just trust me on this. It really is.

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