Saturday, October 18, 2008


Don't really understand the psychology of these things at all, do they. They all want to apply party ideas to American life without acknowleging the fall out. They justify a troubled population with endless repetition of ideology.

They aren't the least bit practical or even rational much of the time. They don't adjust their political philosophy to suit reality somehow.

I don't really understand what I just said very well, but it seems true at the moment.

I think things are really more simple than the complexity suggests.

But I can't prove anything since I never understand anything anyway.

Ya, know. This is just plain true of people. I continue to do the same thing that causes me grief (like not checking phone messages) even though it causes me grief (missed appointments.)

Change is really hard even for something positive. It's much easier to function out of habit. Plus, nobody likes to think they've been wrong about stuff. Especially me.

huh. I need to go to the store, but maybe I'll play some Animal Crossings.

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