Friday, October 17, 2008


I saw the Judge on Fox, can't remember which show, and he said the Acorn thing is a political manuever (sp). It has to do with privacy rights the Ohio Governor (not sure who's balking at leasing the names) and says she doesn't have time to change her computer system now anyway.

That didn't make any sense. I've forgotten the details, but he said the Republicans and Democrats are both using the acorn thing and that the Ohio person isn't really in the wrong. It got to the Supreme Court real fast.

There's probably easy access to the Judges appearance yesterday and he works at Fox so they could all find out.

O'Reilly was making the Acorn argument about Acorn and I should have told him about the Judge. People are basically saying it's a Democratic plot to steal the election.

Oh, I know. The Republicans want a complete list of voters which violates privacy rigths, but it's for political reasons. And other stuff.

Why do we have to get back to relgion? Abortion. My position finally became clear to me and it was a struggle.

Anti-abortion is a religious belief. Religious beliefs apply to believers to follow. The anti-abortion side wants to impose religious observance on everyone. The believers should refrain from aborting themselves.

And should the Catholic Bishops be telling people who to vote for? Should they be telling Biden and other Catholic politicians how to vote legislation? Do they pay taxes? Are they breaking federal law while accusing others of breaking church law?

Where are we? I don't know where I am. I'm still trying to wake up.

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