Monday, October 20, 2008


West Coast Swing:

She looks good so far. Nice song, too. This looks more like the swing to me. Well, I liked it.

Bruno: likes it. the actual swing. doesn't like the moon walk bit.
Carrie Anne: difficult dance, a little over danced,

Len: things not happening. guess he doesn't like it too much. she's not showing her potential.

2 7s and an 8. I liked it better than the first one.

wonder what part of the swing makes it west coast. bet i can google it.

oh, no. there's gonna be a guest judge. Len's taking off.

Susan's up. the hustle. geeze, she's got a bone fracture in her ankle fro the injury before.

smooth moves. makes me laugh...good old days, brings back memories. Upside Down.

i was missing in thought again.

judges...len wants her partner to quit treating her like a china doll.
bruno: did all the steps and I totally spaced on Carrie Anne's remarks..positive generally, I think. I did have to go let the dog in, after all. After all what? I'm just trying to stay awake here, maybe alert is too much to expect. 2 7s and an 8.

Warren's up...Hustle. I love this song. Nice routine. Warren's looking good. He's just plain entertaining. I hope the judges like this one. I do. And I love having my opinion verrified even though I'm always right anyway. or something like that.

judges say...Len: likes it! fun, enjoyable Bruno: knows how to funk - likes it. Carrie Anne: likes it, nostalgic quotient met.

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