Wednesday, October 15, 2008


Just saw something interersting on Cavuto. A Democratic Congressman, I think, who does sound like he understands the economy. I'll have to take back what I said about no politician having economic sense.

He said it's gonna take another new deal time to bust free of this deal. Even WWII was a massive public works program with high taxes and something I forgot what.

I knew that the war improved the economy somehow when wars usually tank economies, but never understood why.

Patrotism. Sacrificing for the country in times of need. Taxes exist and the burden needs to shift according to circumstances. But patriotism seems to about getting what we want these days.

Who pays no taxes? 40% is a lot. So who are they that pay none?

I just really don't know stuff. Why do 40% of the population pay no taxes?

Chuck Noris said cut everybody's taxes cause that's fair. I nobody pays taxes who's gonna pay to run the country and pay off the debt? He sounded like he was gonna cry about taxes. Paying them.

See? Republians only care about taxes. They really don't have any other issues at all. Who do they want to pay taxes? Just keep borrowning money and owe China and the Middle East?

Business doesn't want to keep jobs here cause they make more money for executive bonuses by out-sourcing. They's fewer jobs for people to have to pay taxes on. Oh, they want the middle class to pay the taxes.

I am so confused.

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