Wednesday, October 22, 2008

when is white grey?

In horseworld.

The Queen, I read, was just gifted with a Lippezanner *sorry* in Slovenia, I think, and asked that he be kept there and cared for. She got a placque.

Those are the Spanish Riding School horses. All white. Or are they?

Born black, they, at least the males, turn white. But in horseworld, horses that look white are really usually greys. A horse has to be albino to be called white and that's more rare a condition.

So, are those horses called white or grey? I have no idea.

And the Spanish Riding School was in Vienna last I heard.

There was a fun Disney movie about their move during WWII to hide them from the Germans.

There's a similar school of them who perform based in Las Vegas, I believe. I saw a show once. Good stuff.

They're war moves taught to war horses in the middle ages. The Knights used them to stomp and jump over and around ground troops. I hear that those horses then were not so nice, very dangerous and mean. The killed people regularly.

Horse colors are very complicated. I can't even begin to delve the topic.

But here's the other thing. Bob Beckel said that compaigns always buy candidates clothes, or often do. Gergan said he's never heard of such a thing being done.

Is it grey or white?

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