Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Orson Bean

He's on Fox. Another major favorite. He told a story years ago about his kids walking in on him and his wife at the wrongest possible marital moment. He's very funny. He's done lots of tv. Apparently he did some of the orrigional What's My Line shows. I haven't seen him on any of the reruns I caught. Did he used to be on Carson a lot? Sitcoms and maybe other shows. He's optimistic about politics. Wisdom of experience. I just sure hope so.

It seems to me that people went on talk shows just to talk. Now they go on only when they've got a project out. So there's a lot of people who are fun on talk shows that I don't see anymore much. Like Orson Bean. And a lot of guests I've never heard of cause I don't watch much network shows and movies. But talk shows are where I do get to see them. And yes. I also don't have Tivo. Which means what I'm not clear about at all.

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