Wednesday, October 15, 2008


I'm back to Obama on the economy. McCain's too free market and Republican. He's pro life, anyway, I think, which is a problem for me.

But that's back to religion.

But I don't trust either of them anyway. Republicans have screwed things up pretty good. But then there's the one party rule problem. People just have decide on balance which is better, or less worse. And I can't. All I know is that I can't vote for a Republican. Their politics are wrong. (verb agreement - you explain it) The stuggle is what keeps things going.

O'Reilly was saying that the Republican Party is the party of self-reliance, and the Democrats, sort of, the party of socialism although not exactly in those words. But he's mad the government didn't protect him from the economic collapse. Self-reliance means we're all on our own. We have too big a population for that to really work. What party was the president of the 29 crash? He, I hear, said the market would deal and did nothing which led to the depression. That's self-reliance. These things really mystify me. I guess I could google it. Was it Wilson? hmmm

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