Sunday, October 19, 2008


Never trust Republicans with money and religion.

And I don't know why they talk to compaign workers so much. All they do on both sides is spin their camp. They're rarely honest about much of anything.

They can help us understand where the communication problems may be if we don't just wholesale believe them. They're trying to get votes. They misrepresent the other side. They misrepresent their side.

But all people respond emotionally. That includes fear and hope. I'm afraid of Republicans. Unless party philosophy changes, I don't see much hope of successful leadership.

I hope Democrats can get it together, but don't really have a lot of faith in them.

I still don't get where Joe the Plumber got the we get leaders forced on us when we got to pick them before thing. And I really am thinking about it.

All the media dogs stories, too. Fox is taking Joe the Plumber's side which, I suppose, supports their thesis that mainstream and other cable news is on the left and dogging him for political reasons.

But Fox, like everybody else, publicized the Alex Baldwin phone message to his daughter tape without any thought how that would effect the girl. Everybody was all shocked and outraged at the abuse against the girl by her father, when one, it wasn't that bad in the scheme of things, and two, with no regard at how abuse it could be for the girl to have her privacy invaded publically and endlessly. He's her dad, no matter what. Fox was glad to have another thesis confirmation of their Hollywood stand.

But Fox also filmed inside Martha Stewart's house when she got home from jail. This is wrong, intrusive, possibly illegal and they didn't see it.
It's a papparitizi culture and it effects everyone. What is on top?

I give up.

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