Monday, October 20, 2008

I've been thinking

Yes. Really. I do try to think and even do it sometimes. It may not work.

They interviewed Brittain Spear's mother on Fox and Friends this morning. At the end of the show, Steve Doocy said something about making dirty laundry public.

Brittany very much made her life public.

The Alec Baldwin tape, however, was not. It was a private converstion that was illegally leaked. The media played it publically and discussed it endlessly.

This is a different thing altogether. In my thinking, anyway.

There's the Charles and Diana tapes, for example. Those were private conversations, illegally, immorally, unethically (you pick the sin) tapped into and sold and ran publically.

So. Do people have a right to privacy. The tabloids say people ask for this by becomming celebrities and public persons. Do they, or is this just what the tabloids have decided?

The debate then, is does Alec Baldwin have privacy rights. His daughter obviously does as she's a minor and a private citizen.

We have no sense anymore.

These are very interesting ideas and I'm always grateful for them.

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