Tuesday, October 28, 2008


The Electoral College is part of the the orrigional Constitution. It was a compromise between those Founders who wanted Congress to vote for the President and those who wanted a popular vote.

It was changed to include Washington, D.C. whose residents couldn't vote for President until then which is strange since he lives there. As well as being tax paying citizens. Didn't catch the date of this change.

It takes a Constitutional ammendment which requires 2/3 of each House of Congress plus 3/4 ratification by each state, and I'm guessing D.C. which isn't a state, it's a district - The District of Columbia.

The electors meet in their states, fill out their paperwork and have to have it in to Congress in time for them to count them in January. I think the electors have a December 15 dedline, and Congress counts the votes around January 6. It really isn't official, I'm guessing, until the Congressional count.

Electors are by Congressional count. One for each senator and each congressman. Congressmen are determined by population of each state, bigger states have more congressmen. Each state has 2 senators.

Bush and the Republicans a few years ago managed to re-draw congressional lines to make more Republican districts in Texas. Everything's political.

There have been many efforts to eliminate or make major changes in the Electoral College over the years, 700 of them or something, but they never get anywhere. Except for the D.C. thing.

I believe the Electors are chosen by the winning popular votes according to party and chosen by the partys. But I'm not clear on this at all and the details probably vary according to state laws.

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