Wednesday, October 29, 2008

most interestingly

is how the Electorial Colle got it's name. It was named for the Holy Roman Empire and the College of Cardinals. The Holy Romans elected their German king, called Holy Roman Emperor and the Founders, or somebody, combined that with the College of Cardinals' name as they elect the Pope. Thus, The Electoral College. Well, ya know, it's the most interesting part to me. The Holy Roman Empire is another source of total confusion for me. That I can google. And might. And I still don't know where Orange is. Or was. If William was of Orange, doesn't that mean he was from Orange? I doubt it meant that was his favorite color.

I googled Iceland. Don't ask.

And yes I did, thank you. I slept through Dancing. I did wake up for a bit and saw Flattly dancing. I think. He's just so good. But I really wanted to sleep so that's what I did. I see that Cloris is voted off. She lasted a good, long time. Longer than I expected, truth be told. Hope she had fun.

The drugs should be here tomorrow. They come from a speciality pharmacy out of town. Very odd things I've learned. Now what am I gonna do all day?

Don't feel like tv. Don't feel like reading. Played some games already and don't feel like those either. Got the new Legos Batman. Can't say I'm thrilled. But I'm not interested much in games anymore anyway.

Am sick to death of this election, though. Can't even work up the enthusiam to blog anything about it now. That could change. I may just be tired, ergo, the sleeping. I did wake up in time to see Chelsey Lately and What's My Line. Hedy Lamar was on. Didn't she have some legal trouble? I could google it. Guess I was never a fan of hers. Maybe I didn't see much of her movies. Did she make many? Could google that, too.

Lauren Becall's in a new comercial. Women's health? Forgot. She's terrific. Am a big fan of hers. Very funny in this comercial, too. "You know how to get attention, don't you?" or something like that. "You know how to whistle, don't you?" Made me laugh. Twice. I saw it twice. And laughed both times. She's just about the best. One of the very best. Ya, I'm a fan.

McCain's making campaign issues of rumors. Is Obama making White House Plans? Beats me. I think it's gossip. I am totally sick of this shit.

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