Monday, October 20, 2008

Did you know

That the popular vote doesn't elect the president? The Electorial College does.

Popular vote determines how many electors vote for each candidate. Maybe.

I think, under different state laws, some electors are able to vote their choice.

The President doesn't always win the most popular votes.

Ya, I don't understand it either. I'm still working on trying to remember how to spell states' names.

Iran needs to change it's name back to Persia. I have no idea why they changed it to Iran in the first place. Can that be googled? Some information is burried deep and hard to find.

Persia is a much prettier name - in English, anyway. I don't know how the names sound in Persian.

Iran is kinda bland and uninteresting a word sound. But Persia congers up in a musical way, ancient mysteries and myths of Arabia. It has historical context and continuity. I think I've discussed the importance of continuity before. It's a true thing.

The people of Iran might all feel better about themselves if they were restored to themselves. I wonder how they feel about it.

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